Does anyone know which mass from the LU I should use for St. Leonard of Port Maurice? There's a "Saint Leonard, Abbott" listed for November 6th in the Liber, but I'm pretty sure he never became an abbot; besides the fact. his feast day is November 26th or 27th. Would I just use the Common for Confessor Not Pope - or is there some traditional Franciscan Graduale I've not yet encountered?
St. Leonard of Port Maurice's feast is November 26th in the Martyrology (EF and OF) and in Franciscan calendars (EF and OF).
There is a unique proper Mass in the Franciscan Gradual (Int. Dominus implebit) that could used (see attached).
In the Liber Usualis, you can use either of the Masses of a Confessor (Int. Os justi or Int. Justus).
If looking in the new Gradual (1974), any combination of chants from the Common of Holy Men and Women (for Religious) may be used.
In a traditional latin Mass, of course it will have to match the Mass texts the priest will use, and unless he is using a Franciscan missal or perhaps one from a a special region, it will be one of the two common Masses (Int. Os justi or Int. Justus).
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