Parce Domine - GABC
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    GregoBase doesn't have it... anyone else have it before I do it myself?
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    I was looking for the whole thing. Guess I'll have to do it myself, and post it there.
    Thanked by 1bonniebede
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,274
    Sure. Well, at least you can copy the GABC from there, and build on it to make the complete version.
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,225
    What do you mean by "the whole thing" – the "Flectamus iram vindicem" hymn verses? – or Psalm 50(51) ("Miserere mei Deus") verses? If it's the latter, just use the Gregorio Psalm tool with the Tonus Perigrinus.
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,225
    Here are the Psalm verses in GABC (thanks to the Psalm Tone Too) - Tonus Perigrinusl:

    centering-scheme: english;
    name: 50-per;
    (c4)1. Mi(ixhi)se(h)ré(h)re(g) me(ixi)i(h) De(g)us,(f.) \greheightstar(:) se(g)cún(g)dum(g) ma(g)gnam(g) mi(g)se(g)ri(g)cór(g)di(g)am(d) tu(f)am.(ed..) (::)
    2. Et(h) se(h)cún(h)dum(h) mul(h)ti(h)tú(h)di(h)nem(h) mi(h)se(h)ra(h)ti(h)ó(g)num(ixi) tu(h)á(g)rum,(f.) \greheightstar(:) de(g)le(g) in(g)i(g)qui(g)tá(g)tem(d) me(f)am.(ed..) (::)
    3. Am(h)pli(h)us(h) la(h)va(h) me(h) ab(h) in(h)i(h)qui(g)tá(ixi)te(h) me(g)a :(f.) \greheightstar(:) et(g) a(g) pec(g)cá(g)to(g) me(g)o(d) mun(f)da(f) me.(ed..) (::)
    4. Quó(h)ni(h)am(h) in(h)i(h)qui(h)tá(h)tem(h) me(h)am(h) e(g)go(ixi) co(h)gnó(g)sco :(f.) \greheightstar(:) et(g) pec(g)cá(g)tum(g) me(g)um(g) con(g)tra(g) me(g) est(d) sem(f)per.(ed..) (::)
    5. Ti(h)bi(h) so(h)li(h) pec(h)cá(h)vi,(h) et(h) ma(h)lum(h) co(g)ram(ixi) te(h) fe(g)ci :(f.) \greheightstar(:) ut(g) ju(g)sti(g)fi(g)cé(g)ris(g) in(g) ser(g)mó(g)ni(g)bus(g) tu(g)is,(g) et(g) vin(g)cas(g) cum(g) ju(g)di(d)cá(f)ris.(ed..) (::)
    6. Ec(h)ce(h) e(h)nim(h) in(h) in(h)i(h)qui(h)tá(h)ti(g)bus(ixi) con(h)cép(g)tus(f) sum :(f.) \greheightstar(:) et(g) in(g) pec(g)cá(g)tis(g) con(g)cé(g)pit(g) me(g) ma(g)ter(d) me(f)a.(ed..) (::)
    7. Ec(h)ce(h) e(h)nim(h) ve(h)ri(h)tá(h)tem(g) di(ixi)le(h)xí(g)sti :(f.) \greheightstar(:) in(g)cér(g)ta(g) et(g) oc(g)cúl(g)ta(g) sa(g)pi(g)én(g)ti(g)æ(g) tu(g)æ(g) ma(g)ni(g)fe(g)stá(g)sti(d) mi(f)hi.(ed..) (::)
    8. A(h)spér(h)ges(h) me(h) hys(h)só(h)po,(g) et(ixi) mun(h)dá(g)bor :(f.) \greheightstar(:) la(g)vá(g)bis(g) me,(g) et(g) su(g)per(g) ni(g)vem(g) de(g)al(d)bá(f)bor.(ed..) (::)
    9. Au(h)dí(h)tu(h)i(h) me(h)o(h) da(h)bis(h) gáu(h)di(h)um(g) et(ixi) læ(h)tí(g)ti(f)am :(f.) \greheightstar(:) et(g) ex(g)sul(g)tá(g)bunt(g) os(g)sa(g) hu(g)mi(g)li(d)á(f)ta.(ed..) (::)
    10. A(h)vér(h)te(h) fá(h)ci(h)em(h) tu(h)am(h) a(h) pec(g)cá(ixi)tis(h) me(g)is :(f.) \greheightstar(:) et(g) om(g)nes(g) in(g)i(g)qui(g)tá(g)tes(g) me(g)as(d) de(f)le.(ed..) (::)
    11. Cor(h) mun(h)dum(h) cre(h)a(g) in(ixi) me,(h) De(g)us :(f.) \greheightstar(:) et(g) spí(g)ri(g)tum(g) re(g)ctum(g) ín(g)no(g)va(g) in(g) vi(g)scé(g)ri(g)bus(d) me(f)is.(ed..) (::)
    12. Ne(h) pro(h)jí(h)ci(h)as(h) me(h) a(h) fá(g)ci(ixi)e(h) tu(g)a :(f.) \greheightstar(:) et(g) spí(g)ri(g)tum(g) san(g)ctum(g) tu(g)um(g) ne(g) áu(g)fe(g)ras(d) a(f) me.(ed..) (::)
    13. Red(h)de(h) mi(h)hi(h) læ(h)tí(h)ti(h)am(h) sa(h)lu(g)tá(ixi)ris(h) tu(g)i :(f.) \greheightstar(:) et(g) spí(g)ri(g)tu(g) prin(g)ci(g)pá(g)li(g) con(d)fír(f)ma(f) me.(ed..) (::)
    14. Do(h)cé(h)bo(h) in(h)í(h)quos(g) vi(ixi)as(h) tu(g)as :(f.) \greheightstar(:) et(g) ím(g)pi(g)i(g) ad(g) te(g) con(g)ver(d)tén(f)tur.(ed..) (::)
    15. Lí(h)be(h)ra(h) me(h) de(h) san(h)guí(h)ni(h)bus,(h) De(h)us,(h) De(h)us(h) sa(g)lú(ixi)tis(h) me(g)æ :(f.) \greheightstar(:) et(g) ex(g)sul(g)tá(g)bit(g) lin(g)gua(g) me(g)a(g) ju(g)stí(g)ti(g)am(d) tu(f)am.(ed..) (::)
    16. Dó(h)mi(h)ne,(h) lá(h)bi(h)a(h) me(g)a(ixi) a(h)pé(g)ri(f)es :(f.) \greheightstar(:) et(g) os(g) me(g)um(g) an(g)nun(g)ti(g)á(g)bit(g) lau(g)dem(d) tu(f)am.(ed..) (::)
    17. Quó(h)ni(h)am(h) si(h) vo(h)lu(h)ís(h)ses(h) sa(h)cri(h)fí(h)ci(h)um,(h) de(g)dís(ixi)sem(h) ú(g)ti(f)que :(f.) \greheightstar(:) ho(g)lo(g)cáu(g)stis(g) non(g) de(g)le(d)ctá(f)be(f)ris.(ed..) (::)
    18. Sa(h)cri(h)fí(h)ci(h)um(h) De(h)o(h) spí(h)ri(h)tus(h) con(g)tri(ixi)bu(h)lá(g)tus :(f.) \greheightstar(:) cor(g) con(g)trí(g)tum(g) et(g) hu(g)mi(g)li(g)á(g)tum,(g) De(g)us,(g) non(g) de(d)spí(f)ci(f)es.(ed..) (::)
    19. Be(h)ní(h)gne(h) fac,(h) Dó(h)mi(h)ne,(h) in(h) bo(h)na(h) vo(h)lun(h)tá(h)te(g) tu(ixi)a(h) Si(g)on :(f.) \greheightstar(:) ut(g) æ(g)di(g)fi(g)cén(g)tur(g) mu(g)ri(g) Je(d)rú(f)sa(f)lem.(ed..) (::)
    20. Tunc(h) ac(h)cep(h)tá(h)bis(h) sa(h)cri(h)fí(h)ci(h)um(h) ju(h)stí(h)ti(h)æ,(h) o(h)bla(h)ti(h)ó(h)nes,(h) et(g) ho(ixi)lo(h)cáu(g)sta :(f.) \greheightstar(:) tunc(g) im(g)pó(g)nent(g) su(g)per(g) al(g)tá(g)re(g) tu(g)um(d) ví(f)tu(f)los.(ed..) (::)
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,490
    GABC...! I thought you were talking about the General Association of Baptist Churches..
  • Really Greg! I thought it was the Gregorian Association of Banal Cantors.

    Thanked by 1musiclover88
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,490
    HA! That is fairly large association.
  • ClergetKubiszClergetKubisz
    Posts: 1,912
    Can someone please tell me what GABC stands for? Pardon my ignorance but I've never seen that abbreviation.
  • According to their website Clerget, it is simply Gregorio with the ABC of standard music notation. It's a Gregorian Chant transcription program that is INCREDIBLY useful. I use it every Sunday for our TLM Propers.

    Ben, I simply used the Parce Domine found in the Parish Book of Chant Vol. II, but I assume that you're trying to save space, or use other verses. Looks like somebody already helped you out on that though. ;)
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,225
    G=Gregorian ABC=music notation system that only requires a simple text editor. Hence, GABC is a Gregorian chant music notation system that only requires a simple text editor. Of course, one has to have (available) a program that processes the "coded" text to produce the printable chant music.
  • ClergetKubiszClergetKubisz
    Posts: 1,912
    Is there a place where I could procure such a wonderful program at little to no cost?
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    Do a forum search for Gregorio. It's free and fantastic.
  • You can also use it free online without downloading other editing tools as a free extension on Google Chrome (search GABC), or online at: