Mexico’s new (2013) Misal Romano
  • ronkrisman
    Posts: 1,396
    I purchased a copy of Mexico’s Misal Romano (published in 2013) on a recent visit to Querétaro and San Miguel de Allende. It is a huge volume of 1424 pages (8 ½ X 11 inches, 3 ½ inches thick, 6 ribbons), weighing 6 pounds.

    For the past thirty years all editions of the Misal Romano in Spanish have used the same translation of the Order of Mass, the ten eucharistic prayers, and most of the prefaces. But individual conferences of bishops were able to have their own translation of the proper Mass formularies (temporal and sanctoral cycles).

    Since that unified translation (“texto único”) was of a Latin text that was not significantly altered in the Missale Romanum, editio tertia, the common texts for all Spanish-speaking countries will remain much as they have been for the past 30 years. (It will take me many more hours to spot any changes, if they exist.) However, conferences of bishops now are able to change certain Castillianisms in the texto único, if those are not the common usage in their territories. Thus, “The Lord be with you” in Spain will remain “El Señor esté con vosotros,” while in Mexico “El Señor esté con ustedes” is now being used. The opening words of the consecratory formulae “Take and eat/ Take and drink” in Spain will remain “Tomad y comed / Tomad y bebed,” while in Mexico “Tomen y coman / Tomen y beban” is now being used.

    The second consecratory formula contains another change. The “all” has been changed to “many.” What had previously been “por vosotros y por todos los hombres” is now “por ustedes y por muchos” in the Mexican translation. (I imagine that Spain will use “por vosotros y por muchos”)

    Mexico has significantly retranslated the rest of the missal. When I celebrate Mass in Spanish, I normally use the Misal Romano from Spain because its translation of the temporal and sanctoral cycle orations is much more elegant than that from Mexico. Perhaps that will now change until such time as the USA has its own edition of the Misal Romano. Mexico has done a very good job with its new translation, from the little amount of time I have been reviewing it and comparing it with the previous translation.

    Perhaps of most interest to contributors to this Forum, in the entire Mexican Misal Romano all but four musical settings are found in Appendix I, entitled “Textos Musicalizados” (texts set to music). The four items in place in the missal are the music for the showing of the holy cross at the Good Friday liturgy (Miren el arbol de la cruz…); the priest’s blessing of the lit Paschal Candle, followed by the procession dialogue (Luz de Cristo. Demos gracias a Dios. / Light of Christ. Thanks be to God.) at the Easter Vigil; and two additional items at the Easter Vigil: a very strange setting of the priest’s intonation to the Gloria (with the rest of that hymn omitted) and the “Alleluya” for the Alleluia Psalm before the gospel, based not upon the traditional Gregorian tone but rather upon a truncated version of the tone for the Eastertime dismissal at Mass.

    These musical settings are found in Appendix I:
    1. Sign of the cross and opening greeting from the Order of the Mass.
    2. Introduction to and concluding “absolución” after the Confiteor.
    3. Form 2 of the Penitential Act
    4. Three formulas for the introduction by the priest to the Gloria (again, with no music for the rest of that hymn being provided)
    5. A setting of the Aleluya
    6. Orate, fratres (both the priest’s and the people’s chants)
    7. The preface dialogue and seven prefaces (solemn tone): Christmas I, Epiphany, Passion of the Lord I, Easter I, Ascension I, Eucharist I, Blessed Virgin Mary I followed by a Spanish adaptation (poorly done) of Sanctus XVIII. The preface dialogue adaptation is rather ludicrous.
    8. Eucharistic Prayer II (but without its proper preface)
    9. Lord’s Prayer: Introduction, Prayer, Embolism, Doxology
    10. Prayer for Peace and the dialogue which follows
    11. Lamb of God (a Spanish adaptation of Agnus Dei XVIII)
    12. Invitation to Holy Communion (both the priest’s and the people’s chants)
    13. Final blessing and Amen (solemn tone)
    14. Final blessing by a bishop (solemn tone)
    15. One formula for the dismissal
    16. Memorial Acclamation A (both the priest’s introduction and the people’s chant)
    17. Two additional settings of the Lord’s Prayer: Introduction and Prayer (but no additional forms of the Embolism and Doxology)
    18. Final blessing and Amen (simple tone)
    19. Final blessing by a bishop (simple tone)
    20. Simple tones A and B and a solemn tone for orations
    21. Simple and solemn tones for first readings
    22. A tone for second readings
    23. Tones A, B, and C for gospel readings
    24. Tones and responses for the Universal Prayer
    25. Simple and solemn tones for solemn blessings
    26. All ten of the opening petitions of the Universal Prayer on Good Friday (but the concluding prayers are not set to music)
    27. An optional tone for the showing of the holy cross at the Good Friday liturgy followed by the people’s response (based on the Gregorian; this adaptation is extremely poor)
    28. Exsultet – long form only
    29. Litany of Saints at the Easter Vigil (with the addition of some saints from Mexico)
    30. Eastertime dismissal from Mass (with a most unwise change of the tone to: SOL SOL SOL SOL LA SOL MI SOL LA LA…)
    31. The announcement of moveable feasts on the solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord

    Appendix VIII contains the three Eucharistic Prayers for Masses with Children (but all without any music)

    Following the final appendix (Appendix IX) the Ordo Missae in Latin is given, along with 12 prefaces, Eucharistic Prayers I-IV, and 12 seasonal Mass formuaries. There is no music for any of these Latin texts.

    It is been announced by the USCCB that the USA edition of the Misal Romano now being prepared for this country will use Mexico’s missal for its base translation. Just how much tinkering with that translation will be done, who knows? From my cursory review of Mexico’s edition, I would certainly be happy to use their new translation of the oracions even if Spain’s new translation proves to be better.

    But the music? No way, José! We can certainly do better. All the prefaces should be set to music. All the dialogues should be set to music. The in-place chants that we find in the USA’s 2010 Roman Missal should be in the future Spanish edition.

    Is anyone associated with the USCCB's Hispanic Liturgy Subcommittee listening?
  • ClemensRomanusClemensRomanus
    Posts: 1,023
    Fr. Krisman,
    Is the Paschal vigil Alleluia the same as in the Graduale Simplex? It sounds similar.
  • ronkrisman
    Posts: 1,396
    Would that it were! No, it's a single "Aleluya," ending with "lu-" [DO TI LA SOL FA SOL LA] "ya" [LA SOL]. (Note that the tones on those syllables are not in accord with the Alleluia which concludes the Eastertime dismissal.) The beginning is made from new cloth, and it is not satisfying.

    If we want to do our share in preserving the Church treasury of Gregorian chants, sing those chants and not something adapted for the vernacular yesterday. Especially when it is an Alleluia translated into the Spanish "Aleluya"!!!
  • ClemensRomanusClemensRomanus
    Posts: 1,023
    Thank you. It sounds unfortunate.
  • Caleferink
    Posts: 436
    Fr. Krisman,
    Does the Mexican Misál provide the Latin "originals" like our present English Missal does in some cases (e.g., the Sanctus, "Ecce lignum crucis," "Lumen Christi," etc.)? I seem to remember in the previous edition of the Mexican version that, for many of the ordinary parts, it at least gave the text in Latin (I don't recall any music being there). I would be of the opinion that any American adaptation of the Misál should be formatted as similarly as possible to what we use in English now, if nothing else for the sake of those of us who regularly minister in bilingual communities and have gotten used to the RM3 format, including all the prefaces set to music, the "in-place" chants set in place, etc. as you have said.
    God bless,
  • ronkrisman
    Posts: 1,396
    Good question! I found only four Latin texts "in place" in the Misal Romano of Mexico:
    Palm Sunday, hymn to Christ the King, Gloria, laus, et honor tibi sit...
    Chrism Mass, blessing of oils, hymn O Redemptor
    Holy Thursday, hymn Ubi caritas est vera...
    Good Friday, hymn Crux fidelis

    No music is provided for any of these four Latin hymns.

    All other Latin texts (without music) are found in the Ordo Missae section following Appendix IX.
  • benedictgal
    Posts: 798
    There is one huge problem here, folks. We cannot use the new Mexican Missal. The USCCB has an embargo on it until our own is produced. We have to use the one from the 1970s (red, short and fat) until ours receives the recognitio.

    The USCCB is using the Mexican Missal as the template, as the OP noted. The Committee is trying to incorporate all of the feasts of the various Hispanic groups (Puerto Ricans, Cubans, etc) into the Missal. They recently put the Propers up for a vote of the whole USSCCB.

    And yes, there is discussion on including chant settings similar to what ICEL did for the English-language Roman Missal.

    Unfortunately, Mexico does not have a choral tradition

    I have been following this for 11 years now.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482
    Unfortunately, Mexico does not have a choral tradition

    That seems.... inaccurate.
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen BruceL
  • ronkrisman
    Posts: 1,396
    We cannot use the new Mexican Missal. The USCCB has an embargo on it until our own is produced. We have to use the one from the 1970s (red, short and fat) until ours receives the recognitio.

    I don't know anything about an embargo. (I thought the only embargo we had was with Cuba and its cigars.)

    Anyway, on topic, no one is able to celebrate Mass licitly these days using only "the one from the 1970s." There was a MAJOR CHANGE in translation in the 1980s! A unified translation ("texto único") of the Ordinario de la Misa and the eucharistic prayers was created, and all conferences of bishops which use Spanish in the liturgy (including the then-NCCB) approved that translation for liturgical use. For about five years or so after that, one had to use TWO altar books for a Spanish-language Mass: a copy of that texto único Ordinario de la Misa y Plegarias Eucarísticas, and a copy of the Misal Romano (either from Spain, Mexico, CELAM, Colombia, Argentina) for all the remaining prayers. This situation continued until countries finally got new editions of the Misal Romano published that included that texto único material (for Spain this occurred in 1990; for Mexico, 1989).

    The then-NCCB was also preparing a USA edition of the complete Misal Romano in the 1990s. By the time it finished the translation, there were rumors that a new Latin edition of the Missale Romanum was in the works, and so that translation was never confirmed by the Apostolic See.

    That's where we are in the USA at the present time. Our bishops approved for liturgical use in the USA only the texto único Ordinario de la Misa y Plegarias Eucarísticas back in the mid-1980's but no other part of the Misal Romano. That means, for the remainder of the missal, since our own episcopal conference has never approved its own translation, we are free to use ANY translation approved by another conference of bishops and confirmed by the Apostolic See. So we COULD use Mexico's 2013 Misal Romano. However, in that edition Mexico has also changed (at least a little) the texto único component. But the USCCB has not yet done that. So we must remain with the texto único component from the mid-1980's until our bishops have canonically changed it.
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,826
    In Benedictgal's defense, an armchair anthropologist on Mars perusing the latest expedition's specimens from US pews would hardly draw wholly accurate conclusions either.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • benedictgal
    Posts: 798
    Adam, that was still under Spain's patronage, though. When Mexico broke away from Spain, nothing really new happened, as far as I can tell. They just used what they had before the revolution.

    Fr. Krisman, feel free to contact the USCCB. I called them right before I posted. Furthermore, our bishop wrote to the priests and told them that they COULD NOT use the new Roman Missal from Mexico for the reasons noted in my post.

    The propers were approved and sent to Rome last year. Prior to that, the last time any action was taken was in 2004 when the committee met down here in Laredo, at La Posada Hotel.

    I have been following this whole saga rather closely. I do wish that they would have the chants in the Missal like ICEL did. The only thing we have is what Fr. Spencer wrote four years ago. We are using those in our parish. It saves us from the mind-numbing insanity of OCP (Bob Hurd, etc).
  • Perhaps the Latin Missals of '62 and earlier would be more relevant for those of Latin American heritage than these peculiar continually flawed missal translations of recent years.
    Thanked by 1eft94530
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,451
    Fr Krisman, it would be nice if the English edition had the Latin Ordo Missae as the old Sacramentary did and the Mexican edition of the MR apparently does as you say...
  • jsigur
    Posts: 12
    I suppose everyone has seen by this point that the new Spanish missal for the United States was approved for use back in July of 2016 and has been sent to the publishers. Has anyone heard any news about an implementation date? And does anyone know if they will be including more music in the American missal than in its Mexican counterpart?
  • It hasn't been sent to the publishers yet. We were told that the hope was to have it to them in time for a publication this year.

  • Got an e-mail from the USCCB recently. They said publishers shouldn't expect to receive a copy until early next year, which in my mind suggests that implementation won't be until Advent of 2018. Of course, they were originally saying that it would be done in 2014. So who knows when this will actually be finished. Rome seems to be dragging their feet...
    Thanked by 1BruceL
  • When I spoke to the USCCB recently, they said that they're still waiting on Rome to get back to them on the final test. I can confirm from the first post that all of the prefaces are set to music. Basically, anything that is set to music in the English missal will be set to music in the Spanish missal. The goal is that the new Spanish missal is laid out exactly like the English one to make it easier for non-native speakers to find their way through it. I certainly appreciate that—and look forward to a time when we have a Spanish lectionary with the same layout as ours. I find it very difficult to find readings in the Mexican lectionary for liturgies that aren't regular Sunday masses.
    Thanked by 1BruceL
  • Seems like it's being published now. First use Pentecost 2018, obligatory use Advent 2018.