Chant camp for children and/ or teens. What can you do?
  • I note with great admiration the work of Mary Ann Carr Wilson on running a chant camp. I am thinking of doing something this summer as a continuation of our schola.

    Have you thought of doing anything like this, and if so , what?

    Have you done anything like this and have useful experience to share?

    what sort of daily program / music program do you think would work?

    We are in an OF Parish, without a tradition of singing chant, what do you think we could contribute to the parish?
  • We tried it. We are an urban parish with a number of families, but the families are all from the suburbs.

    It didn't go over real well. We just don't have the residential children, and the ones
    who live 30 minutes away aren't coming every day, even for a week.

    Also, I think nothing induces sleep and boredom like "CHANT CAMP." It really needs to be billed as some sort of MUSICAL experience. Chant can be included and you can even devote a day to it, and include some in the repertoire for the culmination mass that they will sing at, but I would not do a week with all chant and bill it as "CHANT CAMP."

    Advertise it as a choral experience. Kids love singing in choirs. Make chant a part of it, along with some fun music history games, learning about the liturgy, and solfege singing.
    Thanked by 1bonniebede
  • It's not the name. It's your drive in to church people.
    Thanked by 1bonniebede
  • TCJ
    Posts: 990
    Call it "Chanting at the Bit."
    Thanked by 2bonniebede JulieColl
  • JulieCollJulieColl
    Posts: 2,465
    Or you can advertise as The Chantels:
  • JulieCollJulieColl
    Posts: 2,465
    I don't know if this is of any help, Bonnie, but our children's schola is learning chant masses and propers and, in addition, standard English hymns (in two parts).

    We find that the combination helps keep the children engaged and provides much-needed variety. Also, the hymn-singing helps hone other skills such as singing in parts, improving English diction and overall musicality.

    As essential and important as it is for the children to sing in Latin and learn the ancient melodies of the Kyriale, they should also learn beautiful vernacular metrical hymns which are another part of their patrimony of sacred music.

    I can't tell you how satisfying it is, for example, to delve into Mass XIV and discuss the different chant elements and rhythm and text, and then to turn to a hymn like "When I survey the wondrous Cross" and "Glory be to Jesus" and devote your attention to that genre. The texts of hymns like these are so uplifting and salutary and the tunes so appealing. I really believe the beautiful old Anglican and Catholic hymns are, besides being musical masterpieces, pedagogical treasures and helpful in teaching the virtues.

    Remember those old Latin virtues like pietas, gravitas, felicitas, dignitas, and benignitas? They're all there in those grand old chestnuts.

    We've been listening to King's College Choir's CD, Abide With Me, and Praise to the Holiest by Cardinal Vaughan's High School Choir in London and marveling at the artistry and musicality of their renditions. I am so eager to bring these to another generation to love and keep in their hearts always.
  • great ideas there Julie, definitely something to work into the program.