"Benedicamus Domino" in Liturgy of Hours
  • VilyanorVilyanor
    Posts: 388
    Can the "Benedicamus Domino" be said in celebrations of the Liturgy of the Hours without a Cleric? In that case, would it replace or follow the "Dominus nos benedicat" said when there is no priestly celebrant? Is it ever said at Compline, following the "Noctem quietam et finem perfectum", or only at Lauds and Vespers?
  • igneusigneus
    Posts: 394
    1. In the LOTH Benedicamus Domino is the regular ending of the "little hours" during the day. The rubrics don't say anything about it being reserved for an ordained cleric, thus it is not reserved.

    2. The LOTH editio typica doesn't say anything about Benedicamus Domino at the end of Lauds or Vespers. The 2009 Antiphonale Romanum volume from Solesmes, however, offers it as a possibility, because before the liturgical reform it was usual to end all hours this way and there are some quite beautiful tunes for Benedicamus of Vespers and Lauds which would be a pity to lose.

    3. In LOTH Benedicamus Domino isn't foreseen at the end of Compline.
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen Vilyanor
  • With respect to point 2, Les Heures Grégoriennes (the unofficial but approved... if you can figure what that means... diurnal antiphonary for the LOTH in Latin/French) includes the Benedicamus Domino for Lauds and Vespers including most of the melodies though there are some that aren't included (like the separate Sunday tone for Advent and Lent, only the one used on weekdays in the Monastic Office are included). I do include them in my chanting of Lauds and Vespers, following the "Dominus nos benedicat etc...".

    Also the new Antiphonale Romanum (Solesmes 2009), Vol II includes them for Vespers of Sundays, feasts and solemnities. Since this is now part of the "official" antiphonary for the LOTH, then the Benedicamus Domino is quite licit for use at the end of Vespers, and presumably for Lauds as well.

    Point 3 is correct, it is never used after Compline. What is used in monastic Compline after the "Noctem quietem..." is the "V. Divinum auxilium maneat semper nobiscum. R. Et cum fratribus nostris absentibus. Amen.". (V. May the divine assistance remain with us always R. And with our absent brethren. Amen.), which is followed by the Marian antiphon.
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen Vilyanor
  • VilyanorVilyanor
    Posts: 388
    Thank you both for the clarification! It always seemed to me like the "Dominus nos benedicat" was an abrupt end, I'll be glad to have "Benedicamus Domino" follow it. Are there any tones in Les Heures Grégoriennes that don't appear in the Antiphonale Romanum II or Liber Usualis? If so, would you mind scanning them for me, if it's not any trouble?
  • What you're missing would be the tones for ordinary weekdays and memorials. I've attached the scan of all of the BD melodies from Les Heures. There are simplifications, as noted above. I think between LHG and ARII you should have pretty much all the melodies you need for the post-Conciliar Roman Office (aka Liturgy of the Hours). Personally, I pray with LHG every day and use the BD that came with it, as per the scan. Life is complicated enough as it is :-)
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen Vilyanor
  • Hmm just noticed in the scan that the red text didn't show up very well on the scan. There are three BD given for OT. The first one is for Lauds and Vespers of Sundays; the second one for Lauds of ferias, and the third for Vespers of ferias.
    Thanked by 1Vilyanor
  • VilyanorVilyanor
    Posts: 388
    Ah, many thanks! This is a great help!