Hymn text for memorial of St. Thomas Aquinas?
  • Ally
    Posts: 227
    Has anyone out there has set a hymn text based on the entrance antiphon from the Common of Doctors? I would love to use a hymn-tune introit for St. Thomas Aquinas, January 28 (which will be a local feast for us).

    Thanks in advance!
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,210
    In the midst of the Church
    he opened up his mouth,
    and then the Lord filled him with His own spirit,
    Spirit with wisdom filled
    and understanding blest,
    The Lord arrayed him in a robe of glory.

    (Metrical translation of the Introit for the Common of Doctors)

    Use with DOWN AMPNEY, 66. 11. D ("Come down, O Love, divine")
    Thanked by 2Kathy Earl_Grey
  • The wisdom of the saints of old
    by peoples ever new is told,
    and from the Church their praises pour:
    their names will live forevermore.
    Rejoice, ye just men, in the Lord:
    praise is an upright man’s reward.

    To Father, Son and Spirit Blest
    eternal glory be addressed.
    Thy peoples joyfully relate
    the wisdom of Thy saints so great,
    and from Thy Church their praises pour
    whose names will live forevermore.

    Use with MELITA, 88.88.88 ("Eternal Father, Strong to Save")

    from the Proper of Saints in the Graduale Romanum (1974)
    Die 28 Ianuarii - S. Thomæ de Aquino, Presbyteri et Ecclesiæ Doctoris
    IN. Sir. 44: 15, 14; Ps. 32
    Sapientiam sanctorum narrant populi, et laudes eorum nuntiat ecclesia: nomina autem eorum vivent in saeculum saeculi. Ps. Exultate iusti in Domino: rectos decet collaudatio.
    The peoples recount the wisdom of the saints and the Church announces their praises: whereas their names will live unto ages of ages. Ps. Exult, ye just, in the Lord: commendation befits the upright.
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,518
    Cliens--that is amazing!