Office of Compline - Kyrie?
  • I read in my Divine Office that after the opening versicle "O God, come to our aid..."

    "Here an examination of conscience is commended. In common celebration this may be inserted in a penitential act using the formulas given in the Missal."

    I have generally taken this to mean that one would recite either the Confiteor or the Versicles "Have mercy on us O Lord..."

    Does this mean that a Kyrie may be sung as part of the office of compline? My understanding has always been that the Kyrie is not part of the penitential act, but follows the penitential act in the Missal.
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,002
    As far as I know, the Kyrie is not sung after the examination of conscience at Compline. I have never seen it done.

    If one of the three formula from the Missale Romanum is chosen, each of them ends with "Misereátur nostri omnípotens Deus et, dimíssis peccátis nostris, perdúcat nos ad vitam aetérnam. Amen". Then the hymn follows immediately.
    Thanked by 1Vilyanor
  • Thanks. I just needed to clarify that this was the case.
  • VilyanorVilyanor
    Posts: 388
    Can one insert a call to the examination of conscience? As in the Mass when the priest says, "Brethren, let us call to mind our sins, and so prepare ourselves to celebrate the Sacred Mysteries." Is there any pre-existing formula or could I write my own? Is it even appropriate to add one or have someone who isn't ordained say it when the Office is Celebrated?
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,002
    The invitation could be: "Fratres, ad finem huis diéi perdúcti, agnoscámus peccáta nostra", but I think it's optional. When I pray Compline in common, there follows just a short period of silence directly after the Deus, in adiutorium. Then, one of the three forms of the Penitential Act from the Roman Missal is recited.
    Thanked by 1Vilyanor
  • From what I understand of the instructions given in the Divine Office, an examination of conscience is made, one may use the texts given in the missal.

    When I've organised the liturgies for Lenten retreats, we've often used:

    "Brethren (Brothers and sisters) let us call to mind our sins." Then either the Confiteor or the versicles "Have mercy on us O Lord..."

    Given that the missal penitential rites may be used, it seems that the troped Kyrie may be said.
  • We always just pray the Our Father silently, then proceed to the Confiteor, similar to the EF Compline.
  • VilyanorVilyanor
    Posts: 388
    I want to start using the "Have mercy on us, O Lord" Versicles as I've never even once heard it used at a Mass, and I believe its shortness and beauty make it well suited to this Office.

    I found the "Fratres, ad finem huis diéi perdúcti…" in the Liturgia Horarum; is there an English translation? Just with a Latin-English dictionary and comparing the Mass invitation I have: "Brethren, as this day draws to a[n] end [close], let us call to mind our sins." Any suggestions?
  • OraLabora
    Posts: 218
    What is done at Compline in the monastic tradition, is a simple Kyrie Eleison-Christe Eleison-Kyrie Eleison just after the verse and response "Custodi nos Domine..." (there is no short responsory nor Nunc Dimittis in traditional monastic Compline, though they are now allowed ad libitum and used in many houses). After this Kyrie, the Pater is recited in secreto, then the collect.