Dumb question...
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    I know that I should know this, but...

    Confirmation this coming year will be June 14th (Sunday 11 Per Annum, Sunday after the transferred Corpus Christi), can the Ritual Mass for Confirmation be used on a Sunday of Ord. Time, or not? (The GIRM seems to be singularly unhelpful, but then again, I'm feeling stupid today. NEED. MORE. COFFEE.) I need the info for the "Liturgical Planning Form" for the Diocese, yadda-yadda.
  • ronkrisman
    Posts: 1,396
    Not a dumb question at all. Yes, the ritual Mass for Confirmation may be used on the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

    GIRM no. 372 states:
    Ritual Masses are connected to the celebration of certain Sacraments or Sacramentals. They are prohibited on Sundays of Advent, Lent, and Easter, on Solemnities, on the days within the Octave of Easter, on the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls’ Day), on Ash Wednesday, and during Holy Week, and furthermore due regard is to be had for the norms set out in the ritual books or in the Masses themselves.

    You may wish also to read nos. 368-371, which provide the context.
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen Salieri
  • Does the Mass of the Sunday not have to be said also, during that day? Otherwise in what sense does the priest "follow the Calendar" (para. 354)?

    We have Sunday Confirmations within the Mass of the Sunday, even in ordinary time.
  • While Ritual Masses are indeed allowed during Sundays of Ordinary time, a number of dioceses (or rather, ordinaries), prefer that the Sunday Liturgy is celebrated, with the Rite of Confirmation inserted at the proper place.

    This allows some benefits to two interested parties:
    (1) the community can celebrate "The Lord's Day" (with its readings, orations and proper chants).

    (2) the bishop celebrant will have a reprieve from a nearly-ubiquitous celebration of Pentecost every time he celebrates confirmation at the various parishes around the diocese.
  • Salieri,

    Not having my calendar here, in front of me, I'm puzzled by something you wrote.

    You said that Confirmation is scheduled for the Sunday after the transferred Corpus Christi. Which of the following do you mean:

    Sunday before Corpus Christi or Sunday before Corpus Christi
    Thursday of Corpus Christi Thursday of Corpus Christi
    Sunday of Transfer Sunday of Transfer and Confirmation

    Confirmation can't usually take the place of a Sunday Mass, but it could be on the same day as the Sunday Mass.

    Life was (and is) so much easier in the old calendar and the rules governing which feasts can/must be said.
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    Andrew: there are three Masses here on Sunday (well, one anticipated on Saturday, and Two on Sunday), so the priest will have already said the Sunday Mass twice.

    Chris: Novus Ordo is this
    Pentecost Sunday, followed by 8th week Per Annum - Paul VI suppressed 8ve
    Trinity Sunday, followed by 9th week Per Annum
    Corpus Christi, perpetually transferred to the Sunday after Trinity, followed by 10th week
    11th Sunday Per annum - Confirmation celebrated at 10:30 Mass
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    Pars Secunda:

    I am currently putting together the booklet for the Confirmation Mass, and am more or less done. I only have a couple questions: Does the Bishop assume the mitre & crozier when giving the Solemn Blessing at the End of Mass &/or Prayer over the People? And is this preceded simply by V: The Lord be with you. R: And with your Spirit; or does it include the Sic nomen Domini Vv as well? I assume that the Deacon (in his absence a concelebrant?) will say "Bow down for the blessing".

    I guess it's time to get a copy of the Ceremonial of Bishops...
  • ntnch1776
    Posts: 13
    Salieri: According to the CB, the bishop receives the mitre for "The Lord be with you" after the Post-Communion Prayer and the crozier right before "And may almighty God bless all of you" (if Solemn Blessing is used), "And may the blessing of almighty God" (if Prayer over the People is used), or "May almighty God bless you" (if the ordinary Pontifical blessing is used). Either the Solemn Blessing for Confirmation or Prayer over the People for Confirmation (both pg. 1132 in the Missal), or the ordinary Pontifical blessing (Blessed be the name of the Lord, etc.) may be used. "Bow down for the blessing" is only said if the Solemn Blessing or Prayer over the People is used.