Is America the Beautiful appropriate during Thanksgiving Day Mass?
  • henry
    Posts: 245
    I work in a predominantly Hispanic parish. There will be a bilingual Mass on Thanksgiving Day. I'm including "America the Beautiful" since it's an American holiday. Does this seem like correct reasoning? I fear those attending may not approve - many perhaps undocumented, etc.
  • What? If some in your parish, whatever their ethnic background, don't like the American (i.e. USA) commemoration, they are welcome to stay home. It's not like it's a Sunday or Holyday. I would prefer it as a closing hymn, though.
  • I think it might be best to have something with more of a "General Thanksgiving" theme, rather than a specifically patriotic one. It's not a specifically patriotic occasion just because it is a national holiday, but rather one for giving thanks to God for all things, especially the fruits of the earth.
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    Henry, I have to err towards the proclamation of POTUS Calvin Coolidge that as a holiday, Thanksgiving was intentionally purposed to provide Americans with an opportunity to thank our Creator for our blessings, which thus places His grace above any relationship between church and state. Thus, while I have no problem with direct associations between the concepts espoused in our founding documents, I believe Thanksgiving should be regarded by believers as a sacred occasion solely. I don't feel an obligation to wed "patriotic" hymns and prayers. It's perfectly understandable and unobjectionable to endorse your personal decision.
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482
    Is America the Beautiful appropriate during Thanksgiving Day Mass?

    Thanked by 2Ben sergeantedward
  • GavinGavin
    Posts: 2,799
    I used "God of Our Fathers".
  • From a priest friend of mine who was in the reserves:

    "Don't sing patriotic songs on July 4th, because the Mass isn't a celebration of patriotism"

    Thanked by 2canadash francis
  • But I think there is a difference between "America the Beautiful", "America / God Bless Our Native Land", etc., wherein we thank God for our native land, and the blessings of a free government - even while praying for continued prosperity and freedom. Even the 2nd and 3rd verses of the "Star Spangled Banner" gives an appropriate mention of "God". I would agree that hymns DURING the Mass be directed more directly to God in thanksgiving, saving just one quasi patriotic hymn of praise and thanksgiving for the closing hymn.
    Thanked by 1Chrism
  • Chrism
    Posts: 875
    Yes, it is appropriate.

    The holiday is "National" not merely because it is shared by everyone but because its purpose has also been to ask God's blessings upon the nation as a whole:

    "to acknowledge with Gratitude their Obligation to him for Benefits received, and to implore such farther Blessings as they stand in Need of...

    That it may please him graciously to afford his Blessing on the Governments of these States respectively, and prosper the public Council of the whole: To inspire our Commanders, both by Land and Sea, and all under them, with that Wisdom and Fortitude which may render them fit Instruments, under the Providence of Almighty GOD, to secure for these United States, the greatest of all human Blessings, INDEPENDENCE and PEACE: That it may please him, to prosper the Trade and Manufactures of the People, and the Labor of the Husbandman, that our Land may yield its Increase: To take Schools and Seminaries of Education, so necessary for cultivating the Principles of true Liberty, Virtue and Piety, under his nurturing Hand; and to prosper the Means of Religion, for the promotion and enlargement of that Kingdom, which consisteth "in Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost."

    -- First National Thanksgiving Proclamation in time of war, 1777
  • Chrism
    Posts: 875
    "America ! America ! God shed his grace on thee, And crown thy good with brotherhood, From sea to shining sea". -- Saint John Paul II, 1979.
  • Can someone give me a logically coherent reason why we should sing "Thanks, God", for giving us a country founded on Protestant theology and grounded in Masonic reasons, at Mass?
    Thanked by 2Adam Wood francis
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,996
    We sang, "Come Ye Thankful People Come," and "Now Thank We All Our God." A patriotic hymn didn't cross my mind for today. Fourth of July and Veterans Day I would sing America, but it didn't come up as a hymn for Thanksgiving. YMMV.
    Thanked by 2dad29 SamuelDorlaque
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,996
    Can someone give me a logically coherent reason why we should sing "Thanks, God", for giving us a country founded on Protestant theology and grounded in Masonic reasons, at Mass?

    The old statement that the other countries are worse still seems to hold true. Maybe we can be thankful for that small consolation.
  • Chrism
    Posts: 875
    Because we live here, Chris, and Christian duty demands it.
  • Because we live here, Chris, and Christian duty demands it.

  • dad29
    Posts: 2,233
    Maybe I'm missing something, but I was not aware that the re-presentation of the Sacrifice of Calvary had anything to do with any national holidays--whether US or French or Ukrainian. Yes, "Nun Danket" fits, but it's not because of Thanksgiving.

    It's because giving thanks (and praise, and petition, and reparation) is what we SHOULD do.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,230
    The propers and collects provided for the Thanksgiving Day Mass (fourth Thursday in November) don't mention the US, even vaguely, so I get the impression that they are a rather general expression of thanksgiving for the goods of the earth, for life and peace, etc.

    On the other hand, the USCCB, on its website, provides a "household" prayer for Thanksgiving Day, and it is very clearly about gratitude for the good things we enjoy as Americans.
  • BruceL
    Posts: 1,072
    I used MATERNA.

    Thanked by 1Adam Wood
  • Don9of11Don9of11
    Posts: 724
    Our line up included:

    Prelude: Sing To The Lord of Harvest by Willan - Concordia Publishing
    Entrance: Come, You Thankful People Come
    Offertory: Thanks Be To Thee by G.F. Handel - Colla Voce Music
    Communion: You Satisfy the Hungry Heart (aka Gift of Finest Wheat)
    Recessional: For the Beauty of the Earth

    Mass settings - Mass of St. Paul the Apostle
    Responsorial & Gospel Acclimation as in the Missalette for the day
    Gloria - Missa de Angelis ( although scheduled our pastor did not do the Gloria)
  • We get to add Caesar Thursday to Caesar Sunday? Let's just put an image of the President on the altar (any president, not just this one) and have everyone come up and offer a pinch of incense in honor and gratitude.