Help with scripture citation
  • rogue63
    Posts: 410
    Can anyone provide the source for the Offertory antiphon from the Graduale Simplex for the dedication of a church? The text is:

    Bene fundata est domus Domini supra firmam petram.
    The house of the Lord is firmly built upon a rock. (my rough translation)

    Does this come from a psalm? An epistle? Whence? The GS give no information about it.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,182
    I think it's an allusion to Matthew 7:24-27, not a quotation.

    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • The Old Latin version had fundabo instead of aedificabo in Matthew 16:18. There have been conflicts over that word... but this is one of those places where the liturgy preserves an older text that the Vulgate.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • I think it's an allusion to Matthew 7:24-27, not a quotation.

    I think that's right. The Antiphonale Monasticum III, 318 gives no scriptural reference, which it only does when the text is not a direct quotation from Holy Scripture. Laus Divina provides Mt. 7:25 as reference.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • rogue63
    Posts: 410
    OK, thanks!
  • See also psalm 92 (93).