Microphone placement for recording
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,195
    These comments were previously tacked on the end of an old discussion, but they can stand as a separate item.
  • bJoseph
    Posts: 1
    I am looking for advice on placement of a stereo mic. One theory floating around is in a very acoustic church one should place the microphone in the middle of the church even though the choir is in the back. reason being: in order to get the full benefit of the real reverb. I say it should be directly above the choir for best volume and less noise (the church is only occupied by choir while recording).

    Am I right? We will still get the reverb even though a microphone is center and above choir, right?
  • The pros place a stereo microphone close to the choir to get the consonants and mix it half and half with a microphone at a distance to get the roundness of the sound of the vowels.

    If you can only use one stereo or mono microphone, then you have to place it halfway in between these two places.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,195
    [I deleted a few off-topic responses. This is a first post by a new user. Please offer useful advice or information. The question is about using microphones for recording, not amplification. --admin]
  • francis
    Posts: 10,752
    Stereo mic above choir, perhaps ten feet away. Create a bow with the choir, half a semi-circle. Put an ambient mic half way back and then mix that with the raw choral sound. Depending on size of church, putting the amibent mic closer or further away will produce a different ambient reverb. You might want to experiment with the reverb by playing a single 8 foot flute on the organ simulating the voices (if it is also in the back). If you really want to get into it, use two or more ambient mics and mix them to different independent tracks. Now you are getting into some real production! Certain mics when placed closer to the walls will highlight different frequencies (not unlike playing with the bass and treble on a stereo system), but no two buildings will ever be the same, so, experimenting is always a good thing to do.

    If you are going for a great choral sound, have available a recording you really like and A-B yours next to the pros.
  • ChoirpartsChoirparts
    Posts: 147
    I agree. “no two buildings will ever be the same, so, experimenting is always a good thing to do." Avoiding line of sight works to eliminate dominant voices and produce a better audio blend. . If recording only, one might even experiment by placing the mic behind a large object and catch the reverb from the church wall. For example, in a large cathedral, the back wall of a large pipe organ worked well. Who knew?? When recording, it's all trial and error, and the best sounds often occur where you might least expect. Mounting permanent microphones for church service is another issue.
    Thanked by 1francis