LaTeX documentclass for kyriale project using Gregorio
  • (Mods: feel free to re-classify this as appropriate. I tried to pick an appropriate category...)

    I'm a cantor and technophile in the parish schola/choir at our local EF apostolate. We're in the (long and slow) process of putting together a newly-typeset kyriale for the EF Mass and a parish hymnal. (And yes, we did look at the St. Edmund Campion Missal and Hymnal, but it didn't exactly meet our needs for a number of reasons.)

    I've got Gregorio and LaTeX working fine on my Mac, and I'm trying to teach myself LaTeX to make the layout of something like a kyriale easier, but I'm wondering... does anyone out there have a decent document class for something like a kyriale? Say, something that would look a bit like the layout of the old Solesmes books? For now, I've got a rough draft just using
    but I don't like certain things about how it lays out headers/footers and headings.

    I'm not so much looking for someone here to teach me how to use LaTeX - this isn't primarily a technical forum - but if someone else out there has already done the work on something like this that I can re-use and tweak to our needs, I'd be most grateful. :) Alternately, if there's somewhere else I should be lurking to find stuff like this, I'll gladly go there and start digging. (I already tried the gregorio-users mailing list archives, but that's more technical issues with Gregorio itself rather than LaTeX formatting.)
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,229
    You can use the package "fancyhdr" to get good control of headers and footers, and "vmargin" to set margins and also specify a custom page size. E.g.: the attached booklet PDF. Here's the header from the LaTeX document file:

    \usepackage{parallel} %two column layout on each page

    \usepackage[pdftex, bookmarks, colorlinks=false, pdftitle={Ordinary of the Mass}, pdfborder={0 0 0},
    pdfauthor={St. Francis Chapel}]{hyperref}
    %% args: leftmargin, top, right, bottom; headheight, headsep, footheight, footskip
    \input mass-ordinary-booklet-conf.tex
    \chead[\fancystyle{ORDINARY OF THE MASS}]{}%

    Thanked by 1IanW