Liturgy Planning Sites?
  • Hey, there, folks, as I possibly move into a more active role planning the music at a parish, I was wondering what liturgy planning sites there are. I intend to use Corpus Christi Watershed a lot, but I remember one run by an organization outside the CMAA orbit that had hymns and songs from all the Catholic music books of all sorts for each Sunday.

    Anything like that is very helpful.


  • GavinGavin
    Posts: 2,799
    This is an Anglican resource and the lectionary is slightly different, but it may be of use:

    And yes, REALLY. Look through your hymnal. Sing every verse of every hymn. Stare at the week's readings until your eyeballs bleed. That's what you're getting paid to do, not to have a magazine do it for you.
  • Jeffrey Quick
    Posts: 2,123
    [edited by admin]

    There's nothing wrong with using aids to jog your memory or give you ideas you might have missed. Using a liturgy planner doesn't absolve you from responsibility for thinking through your decisions though.
  • Earl_GreyEarl_Grey
    Posts: 905

    You may find this site useful. It is a pay site, but I find it convenient to have the full lectionary and missal texts at my disposal in electronic format. It's particularly helpful if you have to make binders for the sacristy, or print/email readings for lectors etc.

    It also offers music suggestions from all the major mainstream hymnals and also has some catechetical support materials, but I don't find these as useful, nor do I care for the clip art, but I did find it really useful when I assembled complete scripts for the Triduum etc.

    The site, I believe is hosted in Australia, but when you subscribe (through GIA in the USA) it will have the proper lectionary readings for your locale.

    Thanked by 1amindthatsuits
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,274
    OK, folks, I'm going to trim this thread back to just the most helpful comments.
  • kenstb
    Posts: 369 is a pay site here in the U.S. It has the scripture and music suggestions for the celebrations as well as the option to add your own preferences to the mass and hymn settings. You can also email your finished planner to anyone you wish. You will have to input personnel at first, but it is simple to use afterward. Of course, YMMV.
  • Thank you, Chonak, for the trimming. There has been such a rush that I have just had this at the back of my mind. I just got an email, after 9 hours of teaching English, that at 7:30 the other singer and I are going over the service, because the candidate to be DM did not even have the courtesy to call and decline; just never answered. Fortunately, I had already pulled the Chabanel RP and the St. Meinrad Communion Psalm, and I am cantor, so I get to pick those, I guess.

    As there is a lot of discontent among the older set for too much classical stuff, it will be something of a discussion just to keep WORSHIP in the pews and GATHER in storage. Fights are silly, and who am I? Therefore, I pulled the NPM list and will highlight all the ones from WORSHIP, and we will see what we will see.

    I know how to do this, have been a worship leader in my last Protestant Church, and all my music training since then has been toward this day. So now I pray. Yes, of course, I should know WORSHIP by this point, but I don't. I will, and I will pray that whatever my input is will be a blessing. But tonight, with thirty seconds to make decisions, the list is helpful. Thanks to all who made constructive suggestions. This is very helpful.

  • PS, I'm not getting paid anything.