Communion antiphon help
  • Our little schola at our parish wants to delve into doing the proper Communion antiphon for the day at Sunday Mass. We're looking at using the Anglican Use Gradual to start off with. Our dilemma is this: the chant is written for the refrain or response and then it says "Verses from [insert title of text here] may be sung." Now, we'd like to do it with verses and I have a sheet of psalm tones but I don't know if that's what I should be using or even how to figure out which one to use if it is. Help please?
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,220
    The AU Gradual communion antiphon is set to a psalm tone, so you can set the psalm verses to the same tone.

    Oh, dear: I've just noticed that all the communions seem to be set to the very same tone. This could get repetitive.
  • Mark M.Mark M.
    Posts: 632
    I've encountered this same issue and would welcome comments as well. (And yes, that same tone gets repetitive indeed.)

    Note also that the numeration of the Psalms is sometimes different (I think!) between the ones indicated in the AUG and other biblical translations, so you have to be careful that you're singing the correct text.
  • Not entirely sure I understand this but you might get the text from Communio and sing them to the tone of the AUG.
  • The text in Communio is Latin, isn't it? I'm trying to take baby steps with our parish, we've introduced a lot of Latin so far but I'd like the communion antiphon to be in english for now since this is a new concept anyway (they've been doing hymnody for communion).