I will be announcing on this thread the recordings as they come available. Thank you for your patience. If you see any errors or have useful information to add, please email me.
Sorry one of your posts was held up as suspected spam. If you post a couple of notes in quick succession, the system treats the later one(s) as suspect.
He gave a practically identical lecture for the Institute of Catholic Culture which you can listen to -- and view the corresponding PowerPoint -- here. And then there's another related lecture by McNamara here. Enjoy!
Actually, for those who like listening to academic lectures, the Institute for Catholic Culture has a lot of very interesting things; the main page is here.
Was it the Libera me, Domine? It got forgotten during the music planning, so it wouldn't have been on any of the lists...
During the middle of Mass, one of the faculty noticed that it hadn't been planned, so I looked it up in the Liber PDF on my phone and tablet, and several of us sang it off our electronic devices from the side of the church. Nothing like singing ancient chants off of electronics... Puts "Beauty ever ancient, ever new" in a whole new context!
I've got a whole ton of recordings, and am working on it. I'm concentrating on the Masses first, and had more requests for Sunday and Saturday so I did those sooner. Patience, my friend.
Did you happen to get evensong?I didn't even see a blank entry for it, though I'd love to hear those recordings....I was pretty sure I saw Justin's recorder there.
Here's a routine reminder: Avoid flames: critique principles, not people. Be discriminating but don't nitpick. Be academic not acerbic. Be principled not polemical.
For those of you interested in downloading all the tracks of a Mass, Vespers, Evensong, or the Organ Recital, I've created zip files of the MP3s so you can grab them all at once. I'm half done uploading the files; it should be done in a couple of hours.
Dr. Weber's playing on Wednesday, especially at Vespers, was one of the highlights of the week for me. Very well done stylistic improv on the organ without being slavish.
For those of you looking for the high quality (lossless) recordings, I've now updated the bulk download page to include the WMA files. Grab those, and as always, let me know if you see any mistakes.
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