Childrens Schola with Eucharistic Adoration booklet resource
  • bonniebede
    Posts: 756
    My children's schola is a little group for 6-9 year olds. We do 40 mins singing, then about half an hour or Eucharistic Adoration, using the music we have learnt, as well as the children's own composed or extemporised sung prayers.
    I prepped this booklet as a read-at-home introduction for new schola members, and thought I would put it here in case anyone had any use for it.
    The graphics are mostly from Microsoft clipart and should be rights free. You are free to make any use of my work that you like.
    I prepared this in Publisher, and can give you that file if you want, but have put it here as a PDF as I know many people don't have publisher.
    Because it is an A5 booklet, you have to sort of zig zag your eye down and up the page, and imagine how it would read printed up and stapled together. I put in the page numbers to help with that, though I don't use them on my original.

    I also have a parents info booklet, prayer party invites and Schola folder material. My program is based on Jubilate Deo, over four years, and as much of the Ward method that I can get in, given my own limited abilities.
    If I can help anyone in any way, let me know. I appreciate all the help I have been given here.

    childrens info booklet with page numbers.pdf
    Thanked by 4canadash CHGiffen donr G
  • bonniebede
    Posts: 756
    I have put together some powerpoint presentations of chant music with audio file attached. The visual shows the music, and a transparent red highlighting dot moves from neume to neume as the audio file plays.
    This is for 6-9 year olds, to help them learn to follow the neumes as they sing, not to just pick it up aurally.
    I can't upload the file to here, because it says powerpoint can't be uploaded, but if anyone would like to see them I can email it to you.
    Any comments on this as an idea or technique gratefully received.

    Thanked by 1Continuousbass
  • bonniebede
    Posts: 756
    I've emailed you the power points, if you were hoping to get one and did not, message me again.
    Thanked by 2Continuousbass donr
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,274
    If you save a copy of your Powerpoint briefing as a PDF file, you can upload that.
  • bonniebede
    Posts: 756
    Thanks chonak, but it is an active powerpoint with animations and audio, doesn't work as a pdf.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,274
    I suppose this is not an easy suggestion, but content like that is more convenient for users if you build it as a web site. That way, people could view it without having to install additional software on their PCs.