English Translations of the Passion Offices
  • ClemensRomanusClemensRomanus
    Posts: 1,023
    I'm looking for English translations for Lauds and Vespers of the following Passion Offices for a paper I'm writing:

    1) Orationis DNJC in Monte Oliveti
    2) Commem. Ss. Passionis DNJC
    3) Sacrae Columnae Flagellationis DNJC
    4) Ss. Spineae Coronae DNJC
    5) Ss. Lanceae et Clavorum DNJC
    6) Ss. Sindonis DNJC
    7) Ss. Quinque Vulnerum DNJC

    If anyone has any translations of these, your help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  • I was wondering where to find these offices, none of my books have them.
  • ClemensRomanusClemensRomanus
    Posts: 1,023
    I've only seen them in the 1912 Roman Antiphonal and mentioned as votive Offices in a paper on Crosier/Dominican liturgical history. Both made me very curious, and now I'm trying to find out about them as a research project.

    I believe the Feast of the Lance and Nails is Dominican, and might be in the 1967 Dominican Breviary in English.
  • Perhaps you should contact the Passionist Fathers, they might have translations.

    Catholic Encyclopedia (1913), Volume 11
    Passion Offices
    by Francis Mershman

    The recitation of these offices, called also Of the Instruments of the Passion, was first granted collectively to the Congregatio Clericorum Passionis D.N.J.C., or the Passionist Fathers, whose special aim is to spread the devotion to the Sacred Passion of Our Lord. Soon other religious communities and dioceses obtained a similar concession. They were granted to the United States 12 December, 1840, on petition of the Fourth Provincial Council of Baltimore. The offices are affixed to the days specified and cannot be transferred. In case of special indult, as in the United States, they may be transferred, but not beyond Lent; they have the rank of a secondary double major and give place to feasts of higher rank and to primary ones of the same rank. The offices are (1) For Tuesday after Septuagesima: Of the Prayer of Our Lord on Mount Olivet; (2) For Tuesday after Sexagesima: Of the Passion; (3) First Friday of Lent: Of the Crown of Thorns, first celebrated on the occasion of the solemn introduction of the sacred crown into Paris, under Louis IX in 1241 and thence spread into Germany and France (Nilles, II, 95); (4) Second Friday: Of the Spear and Nails, permitted by Innocent VI, 13 February, 1353 for Germany and Bohemia at the request of Charles IV (Nilles, II, 122); granted to some places for Friday after Low Sunday (5) Third Friday: Of the Windingsheet, first allowed 1606 to the church of Chamb ry in Savoy by Julius II, and soon extended to the entire kingdom (Nilles, II, 126); (6) Fourth Friday: Of the Five Holy Wounds; (7) Fifth Friday: Of the Most Precious Blood. Besides these a special second feast of the Precious Blood was granted to the world for the first Sunday of July by Pius IX, 10 August, 1849. Moreover, by Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Rites of 5 July, 1883, Leo XIII permitted the recitation of a votive Office of the Passion for every Friday not impeded according to rules there laid down. The Greeks have no special offices of the Passion, but on the night between Maundy Thursday and Good Friday they hold a very elaborate series of exercises in its honour.

    NILLES, Kalendarium nanuale utriusque ecclesi , II (Innsbruck, 1897); MORONI, Dizionario (Venice, 1840-61), XXXVII, 91-2, LXVI, 188-95, LXVIII, 91-2; KERKER in Kirchenlex., s. v. Dornenkrone; SCHROD, ibid., s. vv. Lanze, Sindon.
  • igneusigneus
    Posts: 376
    Some of them were celebrated in the province of Prague until the local calendars' reform ordered by Pius X.
  • ClemensRomanusClemensRomanus
    Posts: 1,023
    Thanks for your help!
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,764
    These were celebrated in England and are found in the Translation of the Breviary by John, Marquess of Bute. I have a hard bound copy, but I think there are scans of this book on the web.

    There are also other translations of the Hymns, and perhaps translations of the Office in pre-1912 hand Missals / day hours.

    Have not much time at the moment, but will dig through my resources later.
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,764
    Oh just remembered, the chants as found in the Roman Office, are not always the same as those found in say the Dominican etc. I have found at least two different offices of the Five Holy Wounds...

    EDIT. Links to the Translation of the Breviary here,

    Will post Volume and page numbers here later.
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,764
    Pages number from my hardback edition, which should be the same as the online ed.

    1) Orationis DNJC in Monte Oliveti: Vol. 1 pg. 424 N.B. this was also celebrated on the Friday rather than the Tuesday.

    2) Commem. Ss. Passionis DNJC: Vol. 1 pg. 441 N.B. on Friday rather than the Tuesday

    3) Sacrae Columnae Flagellationis DNJC: This is not found is this translation of the breviary due to the changes in days above. I have translations of the Hymns I will have to look again for the rest of the Office.

    4) Ss. Spineae Coronae DNJC: Vol. 2 pg. 217

    5) Ss. Lanceae et Clavorum DNJC: Vol 2 pg 240

    6) Ss. Sindonis DNJC: Vol. 2 pg. 263

    7) Ss. Quinque Vulnerum DNJC Vol. 2 pg. 288

    We sing the Hymns from the above Feasts during Lent.
  • ClemensRomanusClemensRomanus
    Posts: 1,023
    Thank you very much!!
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,764
    I have now had a closer look for 3) Sacrae Columnae Flagellationis DNJC:

    I cannot now find the Hymns and a quick search internet does not bring up anything. I do have a translation of the Mass Propers from "The Roman Missal in Latin and English... Desclee, 1910" sadly this does not have Vespers / Lauds.

    As far as I can tell Caswall, and Newman have not produced Translations, my oldest book from the Benedictines of Stanbrook is 1914 and does not of course have this Office, but they may have had translations...

    Below is all I can find...

    From the Proprium of the arch-diocese of Freiburg:

    1st Vespers
    Salve Columnia,

    Salve Columnia noblis,
    Christi dolorum conscia:
    Quesis fracta virtus daemonis,
    Exempta nobis vincula.

    Cruore Abelis illita
    Tellus ad astra clamitat;
    Clamas, Columna, ad sidera
    Inuncta Jesu sanguine.

    Sed illa ad iram vindicem
    Clamat severi Judicis:
    Iram foves tu Numinis,
    Pacemque quaeris sontibus.

    O perge semper flectere
    Poenas minantem dexteram:
    Quae sanguis emit praemia
    Christi fruamur perpetim.

    Caeso flagellis gloria,
    Jesu tibi sit jugiter,
    Cum Patre et almo Spiritu,
    Nunc et per omne saeculum.


    2nd Vespers
    Quae corda non emolliant

    Quae corda non emolliant,
    Et secta flagris tergora,
    Et cincta spinis tempora,
    Cruorque manans undique?

    Christi sed hostes perfidi
    Humanitatem nesciunt
    Cruci dari post verbera
    Furore poscunt conciti.

    Non abnuit Jesus crucem,
    Gravique dorsum ponderi,
    Sui doloris consciam
    Linquens columnam subjicit.

    Duro gravatus stipite,
    Nostro magis sed crimine,
    Morti dicata victima,
    Enpergis ad Calvariam.

    Crucem gerentes nos quoque,
    Ipso juvante languidos,
    Omni soluti vinculo,
    Forti sequamur pectore.

    Caeso flagellis gloria,
    Jesu tibi sit jugiter,
    Cum Patre et almo Spiritu,
    Nunc et per omne saeculum.


    Lauds Hymn is Salvete Christi Vulnera of which there will be a few translations!
    I do not know the Matins Hymn, but there are plenty of old breviaries around.
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,764
    Have just found the first line of the Matins Hymn for this Feast,

    Adeste quotquot criminum

    While there are plenty of Breviaries around this feast does not appear in any of the ones I have looked in so far!
    Thanked by 1ClemensRomanus
  • Wow. Thanks. I've found these particular feasts of the Lord's Passion very helpful for my own spirituality. The psalms and antiphons that have been selected are fascinating.
  • Palmer and Burgess didn't stop at The Plainsong Gradual. They did these passions as well, all of the Holy Week offices, and much, much, more. Of course (pity!) the beautiful language is not permitted in our Catholic churches. What a shame!
  • Palmer and Burgess did these? Where might they be found?
  • I have quite a collection of Palmer and Burgess' editings. Burgess was Musical Director of the Gregorian Association from 1910 to 1948, and was responsible for a wide array of Englished chant for Holy Week and other occasions such as Vespers of the BVM, Tenebraes, Candlemas and Ash Wednesday Rites, and many others in a series called Liturgical Choir Books, not all of which are in square notes, and some of which include alternatim faburdens by Victoria, et al., for psalmody. These were published by the Plainchant Publications Committee, which may or may not still exist. The last addresses I have for them are 129 St Michael's Avenue, Yeovil, Somerset; and Bass View, West Forth St, Cellardyke, Fife.
    Thanked by 1ClemensRomanus
  • Thank you!
    Thanked by 1M. Jackson Osborn
  • A little adventure on the internet has yielded the following, which may be of use:
    Information about the Rev Dr G.H. Palmer's publications may be had from Sister Alison at St Mary's Press, Wantage. His work is in square notes, while that of Burgess is generally in modern notation. Information about Burgess' publications may be had from Eric Fletcher at World Wide Music (wwm32712@yahoo.com).

    Palmer and Burgess are both intimately associated with St Mary's, Primrose Hill, London, one of the leading Anglo-Catholic parishes from the inception of the Oxford Movement until today. This was Percy Dearmer's parish. (It was Dearmer, by the way, who garnered the genius of Vaughan Williams and Gustav Hoslt, et al. in the 1906 English Hymnal.) London was fertile ground for the Oxford Movement.
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,764
    I have found the Matins Hymn Adeste quotquot criminum

    These may be of interest,
    1) Orationis DNJC in Monte Oliveti
    2) Commem. Ss. Passionis DNJC
    I am working on the other feasts with posts going up on the feast...
    Thanked by 1OMagnumMysterium