out of print 9-fold kyries
  • Is anyone able to help me to a copy,either original or photostat, of the following 1)Herbert Ralph Ward,Kyriale,Ten Kyries by various composers,(E.Schuberth & Co,1941) and 2) Herbert Ralph Ward,Ten Amens by Various Composers (E Schuberth ,1937)Both Library of Congress and British Library have copies but are not willing to provide me with copies because E Schuberth is no longer active and copyright can not be cleared.Have been trying to obtain copy foe 3 years.Thank you.Fr Dirk van Dissel
  • Ok, go to this page:


    Search images under Part 3: and Part 4: under 1941.

    These are the records of renewed copyrights. If they do not appear, they are in the PD.

    >•< knew of an database for renewals...

    Thanked by 1dirkvandissel
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,234
    Noel, if the original copyright was filed in 1941, wouldn't the renewal be 28 years later?

    There is a database of copyright renewals:

    And it lists nothing was ever renewed for Herbert Ward, nor any thing whose title contains "Kyrie" or "Kyriale".

    So that would imply the work's copyright expired after 28 years, in 1969, and anyone would be free to copy it.

    I wonder if the Library of Congress staff is able to do that same search, using Stanford's transcribed data from government copyright listings; or if the LOC staff would be constrained to look in the old listings manually.
    Thanked by 1dirkvandissel
  • Yes, exactly.
    Thanked by 1dirkvandissel
  • Just discovered that, though not digitized yet, there is a link to request it here:


    I hope that this helps, Father!
    Thanked by 1chonak
  • Have still not been able to obtain a copy of this music.Can anyone help,please?I am not very good finding my way asround the internet,Thank you