I have heard from several traditionally-leaning people, that they would like the pre-1955 Holy Week restored in the Extraordinary Form. What would be the benefit of this? I ask in all seriousness, not being intimately familiar with Holy Week in the EF (either before or after 1955). I'm sure it's more than just the folded chasuble and the broad-stole -- which I'd be in favor of restoring (in both forms) anyway.
I think the most persuasive argument for this is that the 1955 Holy Week had elements removed that were later restored in the Novus Ordo rites, for instance the number of readings and prayers in the Vigil was greatly reduced in the 1955 rites and then partially restored in the Novus Ordo.
But there are vast differences introduced in the 1955 Holy Week.
Gregory DiPippo wrote a 9 part series for the New Liturgical Movement on the differences (including a part on comparison to the Novus Ordo) in 2009. The ninth part includes links to all the other parts. (There was supposed to be a 10th part, but I can't find it.)
We use the pre-55 Holy week, and we had the Vigil of Pentecost yesterday. A careful look around the web will find quite a few places using various elements of the older books.
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