Contemporary Liturgical Music
  • ryandryand
    Posts: 1,640

    Lumen Christi Simple Gradual
    Simple English Propers Accompaniment
    Jogues Missal (with hymnal on the way)

    Get with the times, go contemporary!
  • Earl_GreyEarl_Grey
    Posts: 905
    "but that's stuff is too new...I want the songs I grew up with!"
    --Actual quote from a parishioner
    Thanked by 1Gavin
  • ryandryand
    Posts: 1,640
    but that's stuff is too new...I want the songs I grew up with!

    ...said Mother Church over the centuries.
    Thanked by 1Ben
  • It never stops. It is the disease that causes people to think that what they grew up with was always the way it was... or ought to be the way it remains. There is no known cure for this temporal myopia, except perhaps an open and inquiring mind that is delighted to learn something new. (In other words, a mature and adult mind.) Such a mind is atypical. When I was young, I always liked the hymns in the 1940 that were really old... the chant tunes and other really old ones. I was always perplexed to hear that some people's idea of 'old' hymns was the purple prose and purpler harmonies of the gospel songs of their grandmother's era. How could one call these 'old'? Why, they weren't old enough (or, good enough!) to be Old. Yes, in the sixties one thought that if one could wean these people from this drivel and instill in them a love and appreciation for the really timeless (and, sometimes the new is timeless) that one would have succeeded in setting right an odious wrong. But! Look what happened then. The faux folk-song craze happened and one has to start all over again weaning people from that rubish. It never stops. What will it be next? Of course, we are not offended by late mediaeval and renaissance motets and masses that were based on secular tunes (granted, they're pretty good music!); but, would we have squirmed in our seats back then at this pandering to base secular instincts, singing cleverly disguised secular ditties at mass? Would our sensitivities for the sacred have been offended at these trendy musical advances being applied to the sacred chant? I really don't want to answer that, because the music in question is so good, and its artistry does, one would like to believe, glorify the creator of musical art. One cannot say this of Victorian gospel songs, maudlin Marian hymns, and late 20th century happy-clappy stuff. There is one certainty: soon as we think we have weaned people from the worst of our time, another pied piper will come along with another odious attraction for the undiscerning multitudes. Who would ever have dreamed that the grandchildren of the millions who were taught Gregorian chant in their Catholic youth would succumb to musical disease, would be infected with faux folk music, pop-music, double-bass combos and rock bands and pianos in church. It is stated in holy writ that 'he watching over Israel slumbers not nor sleeps'. Neither does his impious adversary.
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen Gavin
  • kenstb
    Posts: 369
    True enough. Fortunately, we know how it will turn out.
  • Chris_McAvoyChris_McAvoy
    Posts: 389
    It never stops. It is the disease that causes people to think that what they grew up with was always the way it was...

    Similar to how most women refuse to cover their head in public places any longer, for fear they will be socially ostracized, even though it was the de facto Christian tradition for 1900 years.....
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    O Chris, please....of all the examples that could have been relevant to MJO's argument you choose the mantilla?
    Some of y'all will think this response inappropriate and hyperbole, but it's ironic that the issue of womens' modesty before God and culture is mentioned on the same day we learn of yet another, brutal honor killing of a Pakistani woman by her father, brothers and ex-(pre-determined) fiance outside of a law court hearing by stoning her to death with bricks, simply for marrying a man she loved. One more woman among a thousand similarly killed in Pakistan per YEAR!
    May God protect all Christian missioners in all foreign lands, especially in the middle, near and far east and Africa.
  • kenstb
    Posts: 369
    That is truly disgusting. Let us hope that we have evolved beyond such medieval barbarism.
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    We shouldn't forget Frank La Rocca's choral propers that are available via Illuminare Publications. (For those who don't know, that Adam Bartlett's corp. when the new Lumen Christi Series.)
    Thanked by 1Adam Wood
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    I didn't mean to derail the thread.
    I am going to begin the process of a detailed review of Peter Kwasniewski's Choral Works coming soon to a blog near you.
  • WendiWendi
    Posts: 638
    I know. I prayed for her and her unborn child who was also killed.