Concerning Linear and Non-Linear Threads (discussions)[thinking]
  • francis
    Posts: 10,876
    Apparently some here on the forum (and maybe all forums) have a difficult time when a subject veers off into a tangent. Now we all do this at some point or another, and it has never really bothered me. In fact, I find those threads to be the most interesting (as mrcopper has also mentioned).

    It seems that once this occurs, our moderator is apt to create a new thread by gathering the tangential material up and depositing it into an entirely new thread. OK. That's fine.

    But I think it might be damaging to the integrity of the chain of thought to remove the tangential material from the old thread. It might be good to somehow mark the tangential material (or not), and allow free thinking to be unencumbered. Also, there is a psychological pressure that has now been introduced into our musings something akin to this: (I better not say that here because this thread isn't about that subject, and I will be 'corrected' and 'moved' to a new thread.

  • donr
    Posts: 971
    Well, I can't read every thread that is posted so I scan for the ones that are interesting to me. Later I go back and scan for the next interesting and so on.
    I have sometimes opened a thread I didn't think was interesting at all and crawled and dragged myself through the never ending dribble when all of a sudden a very interesting branch or fork happened. It was very interesting to me, it woke me up and I either got something out of it or was able to contribute in some way.

    My point is that the only way to find these little gems is to open every single thread and read it all the way through.

    Personally I appreciate when the fork is separated so I can choose to participate. But hey that's just me.
  • mrcoppermrcopper
    Posts: 653
    I'm with donr on this. Forking is fine with me. Other than if very lightly done, I will say, a stern accusation of 'off-topic' does offend me somewhat.
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    If it's a big split, split it off. I don't think it's a problem at all.
  • PhatFlute
    Posts: 219
    I think this was my mistake, I think. I will start a new discussion?
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    Splitting is fine if the tangent really takes on a life of its own: i.e. a discussion about X hymn turning into a discussion about the use of chorale preludes during Lent.

    On t' other hand, why have we two threads about tuning that are now discussing the same topic: tuning and perfect (or absolute) pitch?
    Thanked by 1CharlesW
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,996
    I think we all know by now that splitting hairs and finding increasingly fine distinctions is native to many of the posters on this forum. Discussions will always wander and many of them are more interesting because of it.
    Thanked by 2francis expeditus1
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    splitting hairs and finding increasingly fine distinctions

    Here? Surely not!
  • Some of us should be thankful there is hair that can be split
  • GavinGavin
    Posts: 2,799
    People assume threads are a strict progression of argument to counter-argument. But actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, they're more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, thready-weady.... stuff.
    Thanked by 1francis
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,700
    I think letting things run their natural course - whether WILDLY OFF TOPIC or not - is best. Let this be the WILD JUNGLE OF SACRED MUSIC it was intended to be.
  • mrcoppermrcopper
    Posts: 653
    Inserting a commercial notice is a tiny bit junglish, but your book looks interesting. Lulu does not offer anything to view other than a larger version of the cover page ... got some samples to offer, matthewj?
  • donr
    Posts: 971
    I don't think your charging enough for such a fine work.
    And the autographed copy at $500 (signed by you or someone else) surely is not enough.

    P.S. let me know if you need some signatures, I'll sign a few. (but it will cost you)
  • mrcoppermrcopper
    Posts: 653
    Going another direction: this is a vote for the enormous power of "browsing" as opposed to "searching" (pace Google). You find much more interesting and potentially life changing material by being a whale (funnel all that plankton through your baleens) than by being a shark (bite that prey!) That's why whales sound better than sharks, no doubt.
    Thanked by 2francis CHGiffen
  • mrcoppermrcopper
    Posts: 653
    Some of us should be thankful there is hair that can be split
    sigh. or regretful that there used to be some
  • francis
    Posts: 10,876
    i wish hair (or the lack of it) was my only problem.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,876
    By the way, this thread is going off topic! Please readjust! (purple and orange)
    Thanked by 1Gavin
  • francis
    Posts: 10,876
    Picking up on Ben's suggestion "If it's a big split, split it off. I don't think it's a problem at all", consider these options. Size (amount) of splitting posts is one variable, and then at what time does one decide to split? (see illustration attached). Apparently different trees do this differently.
    451 x 640 - 170K
  • Weighing in, I have to say that I like the thread splits in general. Makes it easier for me to catch onto something new.

    Three cheers for Chonak!

    I admit I possess neither the charity nor knoledge base to moderate, AND give concise and factually accurate comments.

    If you think he's heavy handed in any way, you can always put your case to him and he considers it. Seen that lots.
    Thanked by 2Ben francis
  • mrcoppermrcopper
    Posts: 653
    I can agree with that. Split it off. RC is a prince, really, among moderators.
  • kenstb
    Posts: 369
    Wow!! I never thought that this topic could generate this much commentary. I think that it should be noted that Chonak does wonderful work keeping up with what is going on in so many places. I don't mind the tangents. Some of my best compositions have come to me that way.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,229
    Aw, shucks, folks.
    Thanked by 1Gavin
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    I agree. RC is one of the best mods I have seen. Not too heavy handed, but still gets things done, yet isn't afraid to joke around and be with the plebs either
    Thanked by 2francis kenstb
  • francis
    Posts: 10,876
    Yes chonak. This thread was not meant to be a counter to your moderation by any means.

    I have had numerous private conversations with chonak and they always come to a good end. bravo.
    Thanked by 1kenstb
  • G
    Posts: 1,401
    That's why whales sound better than sharks, no doubt.

    And here I thought it had something to do with tuning...
    RC is one of the best mods I have seen.
    Look at his initials.... coincidence? You be the judge.

    (Save the Liturgy, Save the World)
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen