Help with Gregorio
  • I tried to set the English text of Victimae paschali laudes to square notation in Gregorio. When I look at the PDF, some of the notes go off the lines of the staff into the margin. I've tried changing fonts, size, spacing: nothing seems to work. Any technical help would be appreciated. Here is the gabc code:

    user-notes: ;
    commentary: ;
    annotation: ;
    centering-scheme: english;
    %fontsize: 12;
    %spacing: vichi;
    %font: OFLSortsMillGoudy;
    %width: 4.5;
    %height: 11;
    (c4)CHris-(d)tians,(c)to(d)the(f)Pas-(g)chal(f)vic-(e)tim *(d.)(,)of-(h)fer(g)your(e)thank-(g)ful(f)prais-(e)es!(d.)(::)A (h)lamb(j)the(k)sheep(h)re-(g)deem-(h)eth:(h.)(;)Christ,(h)who (g)on-(h)ly(g)is(f)sin-(e)less,(d.)(,)re-(f)con-(g)cil-(d)eth(e)sin-(d)ners(c.)to(e)the(f)Fa-(e)ther.(d.)(::)Death (h)and(j)life(k)have(h)con-(g)tend-(h)ed(h.)(,)in(h)that(g)com-(h)bat(g)stu-(f)pen-(e)dous:(d.)(;)the(f)Prince(g)of(d)life, (e)who(d)died,(c.)reigns(e)im-(f)mor-(e)tal.(d.)(::)Speak,(a)Ma-(c)ry,(d)de-(f)clar-(g)ing(e_d)(,)what(c)thou(f)saw-(e)est,(d)way-(e)far-(c)ing:(d.)(::)"The (f)tomb (h)of (g)Christ,(h)who (f)is(g)liv-(fe~)ing,(d.)(;)the(d)glo-(g)ry(f)of(g)Je-(h)sus' (g)re-(f)sur-(g)rec-(fe~)tion; (d.)(::)Bright(a)an-(c)gels(d)at-(f)test-(g)ing,(e_d)(,)the(c)shroud(f)and(e)nap-(d)kin(e)rest-(c)ing.(d.)(::)Yea,(f)Christ(h)my(g)hope(h)is(f)a-(g)ris-(fe~)en; (d.)(;)to (d)Gal-(g)i-(f)lee (g)he (h)will (g)go (f)be-(g)fore (fe~)you."(d.)(::)Christ(h)in-(j)deed(k)from(h)death(h)is(g)ris-(h)en,(h.)(,)our(h)new(j)life(g)ob-(f)tain-(e)ing.(d.)(;)Have (c)mer-(f)cy,(e)vic-(g)tor(h)King,(h.)(,)ev-(f)er(g)reign-(fe)ing!(d.)(::)
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    I'm not in front of a desktop PC, but just a small note: you don't need to add hyphens between syllables unless you want to force them. Gregorio will natively handle all of that.
  • Thanks, Ben. I took out the hyphens, but the other problem doesn't go away, and now the words all run together as if they are one long word.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,230
    Hyphens are inserted automatically if the program detects gaps between the syllables. This accords with the engraving practice for the Solesmes books.

    However, you do need to insert a space before the start of every word. That's how Gregorio knows to distinguish them.

  • ClemensRomanusClemensRomanus
    Posts: 1,023
    I too have a question. When using the font Fanwood, I can't seem to get bold text. Does this happen to anyone else? It seems to work for other fonts.
  • benstoxbenstox
    Posts: 23
    In case you still needed help, I touched up your code here:

    (c4) CHris(d)tians,(c) to(d) the(f) Pas(g)chal(f) vic(e)tim(d.) *(,) of(h)fer(g) your(e) thank(g)ful(f) prais(e)es!(d.) (::) A(h) lamb(j) the(k) sheep(h) re(g)deem(h)eth:(h.) (;) Christ,(h) who(g) on(h)ly(g) is(f) sin(e)less,(d.) (,) re(f)con(g)cil(d)eth(e) sin(d)ners(c.) to(e) the(f) Fa(e)ther.(d.) (::) Death(h) and(j) life(k) have(h) con(g)tend(h)ed(h.) (,) in(h) that(g) com(h)bat(g) stu(f)pen(e)dous:(d.) (;) the(f) Prince(g) of(d) life,(e) who(d) died(c.) reigns(e) im(f)mor(e)tal.(d.) (::) Speak,(a) Ma(c)ry,(d) de(f)clar(g)ing(e_d) (,) what(c) thou(f) saw(e)est,(d) way(e)far(c)ing:(d.) (::) ``The(f) tomb(h) of(g) Christ,(h) who(f) is(g) liv(fe~)ing,(d.) (;) the(d) glo(g)ry(f) of(g) Je(h)sus'(g) re(f)sur(g)rec(fe~)tion;(d.) (::) Bright(a) an(c)gels(d) at(f)test(g)ing,(e_d) (,) the(c) shroud(f) and(e) nap(d)kin(e) rest(c)ing.(d.) (::) Yea,(f) Christ(h) my(g) hope(h) is(f) a(g)ris(fe~)en;(d.) (;) to(d) Ga(g)li(f)lee(g) he(h) will(g) go(f) be(g)fore(fe~) you.''(d.) (::) Christ(h) in(j)deed(k) from(h) death(h) is(g) ris(h)en,(h.) (,) our(h) new(j) life(g) ob(f)tain(e)ing.(d.) (;) Have(c) mer(f)cy,(e) vic(g)tor(h) King,(h.) (,) ev(f)er(g) reign(fe)ing!(d.) (::)

    As Chonak mentioned, Gregorio uses spaces to separate the words, and these spaces have to come before the word, not after, so that there is no space separating a syllable from the note in parentheses that it corresponds to. Also, as often happens at the ends of phrases, you will have two sets of parentheses beside each other, one containing the notes of the previous syllable, and one containing the type of break (,.;: etc). These two sets of parentheses must be separated by a space. Think of each set of parentheses as a syllable, and any break or barline simply as an empty syllable. If the two are not separated by a space, Gregorio will add another hyphen to the end of every phrase, connecting the last word to a phantom syllable under the barline:

    This(h) is(h) cor(h)rect!(f.) (;)This (h)is (h)in(h)cor(f)rect!(f.)(::)

    One last thing is that Gregorio + Latex reads quotation marks in a funny way. When you run your example through Gregorio + Latex, it will produce close quotes both before and after Mary's speech. Unlike MSWord, open quotes and close quotes are not entered in the same way. `` (the ~ key without SHIFT on an American keyboard, twice) should always give you open quotes and '' (two apostrophes) should always give you close quotes, as I've done in my example above.

    Hope that helps.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Any Gregorio experts up for troubleshooting some code that gives and error when trying to download from all of the online score editors? (Thanks in advance!)
  • quilisma
    Posts: 136
    Please post your code and tell us what software/version you are using (e.g. TexLive 20xx, gregorio-x.x). I'm sure someone can help.
    Or sign up to the gregorio user group:
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,230
    Sight unseen, here's the most common problem:

    (1) The user copied/pasted from a web page or a word-processor, and the input text contains left- or right-angled quotation marks instead of vertical data-processing quotation marks.

  • Here's the code.
    Veni Sancte Modal.docx
  • A quick run through my PC Gregorio installation suggests that the problem is with the bolding tags.

    Gregorio (a) doesn't seem to like the bolding <b></b> pair to enclose a neume specification and also (b) it can't cope with bolding tags enclosing any element of the first syllable.

    So, to get over (a), enclose the text only in the bold tags

    rather than

    (b) I'm not sure what the answer is, though inserting a space between the first letter and the next (artificially breaking the word up) is a kludge that sort of works.

  • Thanks!