(c4) CHris(d)tians,(c) to(d) the(f) Pas(g)chal(f) vic(e)tim(d.) *(,) of(h)fer(g) your(e) thank(g)ful(f) prais(e)es!(d.) (::) A(h) lamb(j) the(k) sheep(h) re(g)deem(h)eth:(h.) (;) Christ,(h) who(g) on(h)ly(g) is(f) sin(e)less,(d.) (,) re(f)con(g)cil(d)eth(e) sin(d)ners(c.) to(e) the(f) Fa(e)ther.(d.) (::) Death(h) and(j) life(k) have(h) con(g)tend(h)ed(h.) (,) in(h) that(g) com(h)bat(g) stu(f)pen(e)dous:(d.) (;) the(f) Prince(g) of(d) life,(e) who(d) died(c.) reigns(e) im(f)mor(e)tal.(d.) (::) Speak,(a) Ma(c)ry,(d) de(f)clar(g)ing(e_d) (,) what(c) thou(f) saw(e)est,(d) way(e)far(c)ing:(d.) (::) ``The(f) tomb(h) of(g) Christ,(h) who(f) is(g) liv(fe~)ing,(d.) (;) the(d) glo(g)ry(f) of(g) Je(h)sus'(g) re(f)sur(g)rec(fe~)tion;(d.) (::) Bright(a) an(c)gels(d) at(f)test(g)ing,(e_d) (,) the(c) shroud(f) and(e) nap(d)kin(e) rest(c)ing.(d.) (::) Yea,(f) Christ(h) my(g) hope(h) is(f) a(g)ris(fe~)en;(d.) (;) to(d) Ga(g)li(f)lee(g) he(h) will(g) go(f) be(g)fore(fe~) you.''(d.) (::) Christ(h) in(j)deed(k) from(h) death(h) is(g) ris(h)en,(h.) (,) our(h) new(j) life(g) ob(f)tain(e)ing.(d.) (;) Have(c) mer(f)cy,(e) vic(g)tor(h) King,(h.) (,) ev(f)er(g) reign(fe)ing!(d.) (::)
This(h) is(h) cor(h)rect!(f.) (;)This (h)is (h)in(h)cor(f)rect!(f.)(::)
(the ~ key without SHIFT on an American keyboard, twice) should always give you open quotes and ''
(two apostrophes) should always give you close quotes, as I've done in my example above.<b></b>
pair to enclose a neume specification and also (b) it can't cope with bolding tags enclosing any element of the first syllable. rather than<b>Sanc</b>(ev)te(f)
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