Responsorial Psalm
  • Does anyone have a setting of Friday's psalm with response "How Great are the Works of the Lord"?

    It's so hard to find settings of ferial psalms!
  • David AndrewDavid Andrew
    Posts: 1,203
    Are you using one of the standard "modern" psalm tones? (St. Meinrad, etc.?)

    I typically craft my own refrain, basing it on the first and last measures of the tone I'm using for the verses. Just a thought.

    You're right, however. It's a rare occurence indeed when the psalm response on a weekday corresponds to one used on a weekend. Often when the response is the same, the verses won't be.

    Not to send this down a rabbit hole, but don't you suppose the reason why the ferial psalms and their appointed responses have never been set to music is because it was never conceived that daily Mass would be sung, but rather would be treated as a "low (read) Mass"?

    I know, I know . . . sit down Gavin. ;^)
  • GavinGavin
    Posts: 2,795
    Actually, I don't think that's far off. Most parishes, I suspect, don't have the musical resources to have a sung daily Mass. School Masses are another issue, although even with those I suspect most people's judgment would be to use the (sigh) Directory for "Masses" with Children, or a seasonal psalm. Or they'd rather have it read.

    I say use a psalm tone or, if your parish is used to it, recto tono with a flex at the end. If you need someone to throw one together for you, I'm sure many on the board would be happy to help.
  • David AndrewDavid Andrew
    Posts: 1,203
    For the Masses where the school is the primary part of the congregation, we have as much music as a weekend Mass, which I'm not entirely in agreement with primarily because the music is selected almost entirely from the notorious "Blue Book" (i.e., Gather 2nd ed.,) with very few hymns sung from the "Red Book" (i.e., Worship III). I gave up playing the organ at school Masses entirely, for now anyways, for health reasons (my blood pressure was reflecting my aggravation levels driven by the "kids don't like the organ, they want piano and guitar" crowd and the ever-present praise music "sung postludes" we do, mostly from "Spirit and Song" . . .)

    Fortunately, the current Pastor has insisted that the readings come from the daily lectionary, with few (if any) exceptions. He will not permit the "Lectionary for Masses with Children" translations to be used, and the responsorial psalmody must be taken from the psalm of the day (if there's a setting) or a setting of a common seasonal psalm.

    Because we have kids cantoring the psalms (oh, believe me, I do what I can to crush the "American Idol" sound out of them . . . scooping and sliding around like a Brittney wannabe . . .) I haven't yet been able to convince the "powers that be" that we should be teaching a set of psalm tones. Not sure if my cardiologist would permit the discussion at this point.

    Sorry if I've gone off-topic.
  • Thanks. I have used either psalm tones or adjusted (mangled is a better term) one of Jeff's Chabanal psalms that have the same number of syllables. I can always go with the season too!
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    Hi, Michael.

    That is one thing I want to do more of: use Chabanel Psalms interchangeably that have the same number of syllables.

    If the Chabanel Psalms become popular enough, maybe someday I could do the daily Psalms as well.

    The success of the Chabanel Psalms has surpassed our wildest dreams so far, but I would like to beg everyone who reads this to please continue to let others know about the project.

    It will only survive if there is enough interest, but advertising is (of course) very difficult and expensive. Word of mouth is the best and it is free!
  • Here's a quick setting, like the sort I prepare for Sunday English Masses at St. John the Beloved, McLean, Virginia. I adapt simple antiphons from the Psalterium for the response. The verses use a standard psalm tone, with an elaborated second half, which may or may not please. (Nor, perhaps, will the way I set the English syllables. I've given up trying to be rhythmically faithful to the Gregorian models. Fortunately, I get to sing Latin anyway...) Comments welcome (unless they hurt my feelings).
  • Richard, that is absolutely super! I can't tell you how much I appreciate you taking the time to do this. I believe there is a project the size of the Choralis Constantinus here!

    Thanks again. You're the best.
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    Dear Richard,

    What a lovely piece! Wow! Michael, you got the perfect solution, didn't you? (Michael, do you play organ?)

    (May I please ask, Richard: do you use Finale, Sibelius, or some other program?)
  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    Well, Jeff O, the Chabanel Psalms have now become my primary source - I only use something else if I have to. But they're simple, beautiful, and straightforward.

    And I've been recommending them to all the other schola directors I know.
  • Jeff, yes and no (I don't play organ). I really want to learn someday, though.
  • Jeff:

    I engrave using Encore, available from GVOX: The latest version works on Vista, with only minor quirks, and prints to PDF like a dream. I've yet to get it to imbed in Word documents, more's the pity.


    "...a project the size of the Choralis Constantinus here!"

    C'mon, you guys. Part of the music director's weekly duties is finding decent things to do for that (reprehensible) Responsorial Psalm. And if it's not on the shelf, well then... we write it ourselves. Thus ever has it been (30 years, or so), and thus evermore shall it be. Just say to yourself: "I can do better than OCP... I can do better than OCP..."
  • Richard, you certainly can. No disrespect to Mr Alstott. I understand his purpose, but I'm really tired of the OCP tunes.
  • G
    Posts: 1,401
    Very nice, but probably a stupid question -- what is the Psalterium?
    I've always had to pore through the Liber Usualis for an appropriate tune to adapt when I had no psalm setting (it'll probably eventually get me fired, it helped force me out of the school Masses, but I hold out for the psalm from the Lectionary, however obscure -- you should hear the complaining going on about the Lateran Basilica...)

    Save the Liturgy, Save the World
  • Psalterium monasticum, Solesmes, 1981.