Note: All the files in this thread are obsolete, as of March 10, 2025, including the revisions posted further down this thread.
The latest revised version (March 10, 2025) has been published here at CPDL.
In another thread, I posted my new setting of the antiphon Adoramus te, Christe/We adore Thee, O Christ for SA voices (really almost equal voices). The underlay is in both English and in Latin, depending upon your preference. Lest it be overlooked, I started this thread in the Sacred Polyphony discussion group.
I have considerably revised the original setting of Adoramus te, Christe/We adore Thee, O Christ (Antiphon at the Transfer of the Blessed Sacrament on Good Friday).
The Cantus part follows the chant in the LU for the Good Friday afternoon service.
The attached score and audio sound file has women (Mz) on one part, men (Bar) on the other part; however, the work could be sung with women on both parts or men on both parts.
I will soon publish this revision (in all forms) at CPDL, replacing the older setting.
Note: A somewhat cleaner version has been uploaded today (2024-03-20).
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