Has anyone put together a Tenebrae for Spy Wednesday?
  • Nisi
    Posts: 153
    Has anyone put together a Tenebrae for Spy Wednesday?
  • Simon
    Posts: 161
    There is no such service. Tenebrae belongs to the Paschal Triduum - i.e. on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. The Tenebrae service for Maundy Thursday is often held on the Wednesday evening rather than in the early morning of the Thursday to better accommodate the faithful. It is the longest of the three Tenebrae services - largely due to the longer psalms appointed in the matins.
    Thanked by 1Nisi
  • Nisi
    Posts: 153
    Thank you, Simon! Then has anyone put together a nice English Tenebrae service for Maundy Thursday?
  • rich_enough
    Posts: 1,050
    St. John Cantius Church in Chicago has published a version of Tenebrae in English you may find useful.

    You also might be interested in this thread on the Forum.
    Thanked by 1Nisi
  • CGM
    Posts: 708
    eBreviary is a fee-based subscription service for daily booklets for the Liturgy of the Hours. However, they also have a bunch of free stuff on their website, including Tenebrae booklets for Good Friday and Holy Saturday.

    Using these liturgies as a model, one could combine their Holy Thursday booklets for the Office of Readings and Morning Prayer into a single booklet for Holy Thursday's Tenebrae.
    Thanked by 1Nisi