Ash Wednesday Distribution (not Mass)
  • aria
    Posts: 85
    I'd appreciate some suggestions on music for an Ash Wednesday "Ash Distribution Service" (not Mass). I've seen Ash Wednesday Mass Introits but can we use that for a "distribution service" too? I've been told we need only provide "an entrance song, a responsorial pslam, and a lot of songs for the ash distribution" but I've yet to see any rubrics... where do I find them?

    Before you reply with specific music suggestions, let me tell you more about my choir...

    * We're a very small (volunteer) women's choir (schola?) that started about a year ago. We are self-taught square note readers and have successfully introduced the Entrance Antiphon, chanted Pslam, and Communion Antiphon at one of the Masses in our parish.

    * We sing mostly from SEP, Parish Book of Psalms, Lalemant Propers, Lumen Christi Missal (from their website- we're looking forward to Gradual when it's ready!), and Richard Rice arrangements from CC Watershed. To give you a sense of where we are musically (in terms of chant), we are comfortable with the difficulty level of the chant from those sources but find, for example, Fr. Weber's work to be a bit more challenging... while we feel we could learn it with just a little extra work, we don't think our congregation would be ready for something of that level yet.

    * We try to include some of the older (sadly, now unfamiliar) hymns, but also have to include familiar songs from Gather and Breaking Bread as well (otherwise, things would get ugly- haha).

    * We do the chants in unison and unaccompanied.

    * We are reasonably comfortable signing in Latin but most of the parishioners are not. When we can, we try to sprinkle in a few Latin phrases here and there. For example, last year we found a nice version of "Be Joyful, Mary" that was in English but included the occasional "Laetare, O Maria!", and we didn't get any complaints :-)

    Thank you in advance for your music suggestions that are sacred, reverent, simple (not big choral pieces- there are only 3 of us, right now!), and in English. What we offer in our parish is not where we'd like the music to be, but we are trying to do what we can to bring back sacred music... slow and steady wins the race!
    Thanked by 2donr CHGiffen
  • As far as I am aware, such a liturgy essentially follows the same format as mass up to a point. Will there also be distribution of Holy Communion?

    Since there is no consecration, I am not sure what is cut between the offertory and communion.

    Some suggestions for hymns during the distribution of ashes:

    - Lord, Who Throughout these Forty Days
    - Forty Days and Forty Nights
    - Lord Jesus, Think on me
    - The Glory of these Forty Days
    - From Ashes to the Living Font
    - I heard the voice of Jesus Say (??? maybe?)

    You may also consider chanting the "Attende Domine," which would be most appropriate, however, I've not been entirely satisfied with most published editions.

    The best version of the antiphon Attende Domine sung in English is:

    "Hear us, O Lord, have mercy upon us for we have sinned against You."
  • aria
    Posts: 85
    Thank you! I really appreciate the list.

    I don't believe there will be Communion distribution, but that's a good question that I need to ask at the parish.

    Also, I'm finding chants for Ash distribution (at Mass)- there's no reason we couldn't include some or all of those even for this type of service, right?

    And is there a specific place we should be using Attende Domine, or can it go anywhere?

  • It doesn't have a specific place in the liturgy but during the distribution of ashes would be good.
    Thanked by 1aria
  • I think that using the antiphons and Respond for the imposition of ashes, in Gregorian or polyphonic (*cough) form, is an excellent idea. I don't see any problem using them in a non-Mass context given that it's before the Mass.
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,698
    On a side note...
    I remember back before Summorum Pontificum when several Tridentine Mass Communities couldn't get permission for Mass on Ash Wednesday that they'd all do the distribution of ashes without Mass, which didn't need the indult. Nowadays, thanks to our wonderful Pope Benedict, this is no longer an issue. Let's all remember him in our prayers.
    Thanked by 2aria Ben
  • aria
    Posts: 85
    Jeffrey, that music looks great- thanks for sharing. Unfortunately, I don't think it will work for my little SSA group and the parishioners would (sadly) take issue w/ the Latin. But I'm working on it all... Baby steps! Anyway, I would definitely encourage others to check out Jeffrey's link :-)

    And thanks again to everyone for your suggestions and advice!