Wilko Brouwers is a Pied Piper of Chant.
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    But instead of a sad ending, his story and Words With Wings has a very happy ending.

    Wilko, through his deep study and understanding of Gregorian Chant combined with his wit and creativity, is able to lead children and adults away from the harmful effects of the popular music that has crept into the Catholic Church once again. Once again because this has happened over and over again throughout the history of the church as secular interests become more important and attractive to people and priests than worshiping in a sacred manner that reflects and preserves the reverence of the Mass.

    Through his student and teacher's books here, he guides both students and teachers out of the maze of secular influences and uses the church year as a map to introduce sacred music back into the church during the time of reflection, Advent.

    Many churches use Gregorian Chant now during Advent and Lent and as a result, the Mass suddenly seems more serious, God-centered, as we sing music to Him, not music about us and how we feel.

    Musica Sacra, at www.musicasacra.com, is behind this and much more music and information to help you, be you a layman, priest, bishop. guide your flock.

    Words With Wings in the excellent translation by Arlene Oost-Zinner can be the guide you need for your parish.

    [reprinted from Amazon.com review - please consider visiting Amazon.com and post your own review - every review helps]
    Thanked by 2BruceL CHGiffen
  • Yay for Wilko! I will try to get a review up on Amazon.
    Words with Wings is an inspiring and useful book.

    About being the pied piper of chant- I agree!
    I am very grateful for the instruction I've received from Wilko at various colloquia over the years. His style of rehearsing, similar to Prof. Mahrt, most often draws the singer quietly, passionately into a world of recollected musicality. One is then equipped to enter into the sacred mysteries in a prayerful and informed way.
    Thanked by 3Salieri canadash BruceL
  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    Wilko is an amazing teacher and director!