Confirmation on a Friday in Lent
  • Ally
    Posts: 227
    Just curious as to your suggestions for music for Confirmation on a Friday during Lent...

    We will need to have about an hour of music or something just for during the anointing with chrism (our Archbishop spends 1 minute with each candidate - last year there were 140 for 3 parishes - yes the Mass was 4 hours - so this year we are having our own with about 60 candidates).

    Yes, it is the Ritual Mass of Confirmation. Yes there is a Gloria.
  • For one, someone's going to be exhausted depending on how strictly you apply the "instruments only to support singing rule" of Lent.

    I usually use the Titelouze setting of Veni, Creator Spiritus at this portion. It's relatively easy, and a solid 10 minutes of music.,_Jean)

    50 minutes to go!
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,128
    Well, the GIRM provides exceptions for solemnities and feasts (if your parish or diocese has a patronal or titular feast that day, you're in luck). While certainly not within the letter of the law, a bishop might provide a dispensation out of the spirit of the law: it is a feast-level ritual liturgy (as indicated by the inclusion of the Gloria).
    Thanked by 2Andrew Motyka Ben
  • Ally
    Posts: 227
    I would assert the same, Liam. Festivity!
    However, I will still want to be careful about my musical choices given the season.

    I don't think anyone ever asks for that kind of dispensation in this diocese but it would be interesting to do it and see what the response is!
    Thanked by 1Ben