Score of this Te Deum
  • Hello! I cant find the score of the Te Deum of the last vespers in Vatican (31-12-2013).
    This is not the solemn, simplex or "more romano" version. If I´m wrong, please help!!
    Here is the video, the chant at 1:03:18.
  • JulieCollJulieColl
    Posts: 2,465
    Very interesting, organista. I have my Solesmes Liber Cantualis comitante organo out and am reading the Te Deum iuxta morem romanum. It looks like the congregation/choir sings one verse exactly according to that text, but the men's schola is chanting another version. The schola is not, as far as I can tell, chanting the Te Deum tonus simplex which I have as well.