Benedict XVI Institute for Sacred Music and Divine Worship

    Many of us have been waiting for this, for a long time, now. Thanks be to God for His Grace, Archbishop Cordileone, and Fr. Samuel Weber, O.S.B.
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,069
    Did Abp Cordileone get an archdiocese in the British Isles? (Humor alert.*)

    * In the USA, he's still customarily His Excellency....
  • This is a worthy undertaking. But much prayer is needed.
  • rich_enough
    Posts: 1,047
    I knew I should have avoided the link to PTB - the comments are so depressing.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,971
    Prey-Tail is always depressing. LOL.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,783
    Just tell pray for pray tell. Anything else is a waste of time and energy.
  • ryandryand
    Posts: 1,640
    Haven't been over to Pray Tell for awhile - now I remember why.

    Signed up for the updates from the institute though. You know, since it's promoting Catholic worship and stuff.

    And whatever, it might not be what a PRIEST said there: "the music their flocks have made their own over many decades." Oh well. I guess I side with centuries over decades, and with church authority over local traditions.

    Last I checked, the 70's are long gone, and the young Catholics of the world are ready to acknowledge that ... musically, liturgically, and spiritually.

    [purple] But, you know ... Gather has been around for decades, so we might as well just make it dogma.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,971
    [purple] But, you know ... Gather has been around for decades, so we might as well just make it dogma.

    NOT PURPLE - No, we should just burn "Gather." It isn't good for anything else.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,971
    I just signed up for updates, too. This sounds like a good thing!
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,206
    Here's the intro video from His Excellentness:

    The music in the video is a bit annoying: it's probably some royalty-free clip given away along with video-editing software.
  • donr
    Posts: 971
    I have also signed up for updates. I also clicked on the survey. I can't believe we will see another throw away missal. Please take the survey and express your opinions.
  • Thanks for posting the vid, chonak!

    I would be very interested in a report from any of our brethren that might be in the Bay Area, and able to assist at the Vespers at which His Grace will make the formal announcement of the establishment of the Institute.
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,792
    a report from any of our brethren that might be in the Bay Area

    I'm a bit on the fence about making the drive: this is the same St. Sebastien's that had a tree on the curbside last time I went out to Point Reyes for Christmas Day bird watching, and neither the parish website nor the newsletter mention any such event. Besides, it's near but not in San Rafael.

    Could just take my binoculars and keep going if nothing is happening, I guess, but I got burned the last time I went to hear Fr. Weber in Moraga: the venue on the poster was empty, no one St. Mary's campus seemed to know about his workshop, there were no flyers in the music department, and repeated calls and emails to the organizers and registrar (who cashed my tuition check) were never answered.
  • donr
    Posts: 971
    that's weird
  • irishtenoririshtenor
    Posts: 1,318
    Very strange.
  • Blaise
    Posts: 439
    I invite everyone reading the Pray Tell Blog's announcement of the institute to ignore the rather stupid remarks which follow ("Holy" Mass, the fact that the institute is named for the Holy Father Emeritus, etc.).

    The formation of this institute is excellent news. And for me, I must admit, surprising, since California is the very last place I would think of for traditional Christianity.
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,792
    Maybe the Vespers is on after all: Pray Tell links to this broken link and backing up to home one finds nothing in the "calendar", but a bit of hunting turns up this, still without a phone number or any other way to confirm.
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,503
    The west coast is really "growth country" for sacred music, because of its bishops.
  • Last time I saw the archbishop he was asking for prayers for the new institute. That's something we can all do or keep doing.

    As an aside, I also found the music lacking. But the text was nice. And I appreciate that the archbishop led with his own voice in the video. There were some telling visual bits, too, like reception of communion on the tongue.

    In the land of fruit and nuts, I am thrilled that we have a new crop of bishops like Cordileone. We need some sanity in this state. :)

    Thanked by 1Chris Allen
  • Two weeks ago, I received an email with an attachment promoting this event:

    Dec 19, 2013
    Dear Friends,

    On January 5th, at 4pm, some kind and generous lay Catholic volunteers will be hosting chanted Vespers and a social event at St. Sebastian's in Greenbrae. Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone will be there to celebrate Vespers and discuss the up-and-coming Benedict XVI Institute for Sacred Music and Divine Worship. Afterwards, the institute's director, Fr. Samuel F. Weber, OSB, will give a talk on the spirituality of chant.

    The purpose of this new institute is to support pastors in their efforts to form and train liturgical ministers, especially musicians. It is the hope that this new institute will greatly enhance the liturgies in the Archdiocese of San Francisco and beyond. Please visit our website here.

    Mark your calendars and spread the news! Let's support the Archbishop in this important endeavor!

    Advent Blessings, etc.
    Vespers Flyer Letter Border Final v2.pdf
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    In the land of fruit and nuts,

    Nice use of the singular to avoid the PC Police! But actually that land is in my neck of the woods, the only red part of the state.
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,469
    the only red part of the state

    I understand there's a lot of communists in the southern portion...
    Thanked by 1irishtenor
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    That depends upon how one defines "commune," Little Joe. There are a number of illuminati/glitterati/neo-pinko socialists, perhaps. Up in Santa Cruz/San Jose/Silicon(e) Valley/SF/Oakland/Berzerkley one finds the more traditionalist-socialististas. Further north, a mixture of chardonnay socialists, cannibis communists in alliance with Tea Party anarchists, and as I said, red-necks in my ____ of the woods.
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,792
    The west coast is really "growth country" for sacred music, because of its bishops.
    Well, think about it: in the small but populous SF Bay Area you have Stanford University with Bill Mahrt, UCB with Richard Crocker and the Berkeley Symphony who have been playing Messiaen's major works since the 70's with Kent Nagano. Our former Bishop of Oakland has been very encouraging of good music, but the ground had long been prepared.
  • Just returned from Epiphany Vespers celebrated by Archbishop Cordileone. At 4pm, his Excellency gave a 20 min talk about the broad goals of the Benedict XVI Institute for Sacred Music and Divine Worship. He said it will offer a certificate program for lay ministers, particularly those involved in sacred music. This is intended to be a help for pastors who want to have good sacred music, but don't have the time or wherewithal to provide direct guidance to lay ministers. After the Archbishop's introductory remarks, Father Weber instructed the faithful in singing the English chants for Vespers which was subsequently celebrated at 5pm.

    The people seemed to enjoyed the liturgy. In my opinion, it would have been nice if a deacon had been available to assist the Archbishop at Benediction.
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    Back in the 80's, under Bishop John "Walking Man" Cummins, Oakland actually formulated and instituted a Liturgical Certification program based at Holy Names. Both my wife and and I were instructors. The whole thing started off with big MOJO (broad goals) and decent enrollments, but attrittion and commitment fast waned. Knowing of Fr. Weber's procilivities and tolerances at his age, do you see this thing really taking off?
  • melo, I would be very interested to learn more about your experience in Oakland's Liturgical Certification program in the 1980's. I have no particular expectations regarding the Benedict XVI Institute, and I do not know Father Weber well. It seems that the Institute is still in the process of developing a concrete program, and I look forward to seeing what they come up with.
  • As of 10:30 PM PT, the video's no longer available due to someone's copyright claim.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,206
    The institute's survey form sends data to Ignatius Press, so I'm sure they will be able to sort out the problem.
  • Do they have a pdf of the Vespers service?
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,792
    Salve Arthur! We'll have to wear name tags next time; I was the tall guy blocking everyone's view. I'm happy to report that a well attended Vespers did happen at 4:00. I'll ere on the side of caution and say that this could be the start of something very good, and amidst CMAA folk offer some nitpicking, since we musicians have the habit of seeking God in the details.

    I arrived at 3:30 and was immediately ushered to a schola rehearsal, where a dozen or so people were given handsome black binders. My neighbor showed me a "Learn Gregorian chant" flyer announcing a 3:30 start, but Fr. Weber had the same info I received and arrived at a quarter to. One of the participants had experience chanting 90' a day in Sanskrit at a yoga school and was interesting in branching out; I hope he was not scared off. It's not so easy to imagine that kind of walk-in in the hinterlands! One would not wish to hear Fr. Weber in Wagner or even Mozart, but he is pleasant in voice and especially in manner, being wonderfully encouraging of baby steps. In a monastic setting there are many details such as cut offs that can be left to common style, but in the acoustically tiled undercroft shared with a reception buffet, rehearsal was somewhat hampered. The tenor of his Excellency's following remarks seemed to be that it would be less embarrassing for priests to require certification from an institute than to fire incompetent musicians outright.

    The booklet was beautifully prepared in most details, but while all was notated for the two-tone Deus in adjutorium, no notation was provided for hymns: in "Holy God we praise your name" it was clear that 3 versions of that tune were known by various participants, and there was uncertainty about whether to repeat the last lines. I also doubt the yoga adept had the DUGUET tune for O salutaris by heart, as seemed expected. The psalms were pointed thus, (instead of in the an- | glican | manner) with asterisks at each half verse. Since antiphony was marked "cantor" and "all" in the far left margin, and asterisks were also used in the antiphons for incipits, there was possibly avoidable confusion. The Meinrad-style psalm tones were notated after the antiphons in the manner of EUOUAE, and then again at the start of the psalm, followed by the pointed version of the antiphon text: not confusing to the experienced, but my neighbors kept getting lost and asking me to point to where we were.

    The 'congregation' sang throughout (occasionally with organum at the minor third or even tritone), and I need not convince anyone here of the value of demonstrating that even in a carpeted church (quite attractive, with no fewer than 7 Christmas trees!) piano and microphone are quite unnecessary.
  • Richard, you did indeed block my view of Father Weber's direction. But many thanks for holding up the CMAA end. I am jealous that you simply walked in and were invited to join the schola.
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,792
    Well, the logistical end of things is lagging a bit, in other respects as well. ;-) Guess I was an early bird!

    I wonder if the copyright claim was based on the cheesy music of the promo video?
  • I'm so pleased that all went well, and that those of you who assisted generally left feeling positive (read: hopeful) about the Institute.
  • You may wish to follow the Institute on Facebook:
  • Photos from the Vespers of Epiphany with Abp. Cordileone:
  • BrophyBoy --

    Last Nov. you wrote me asking for a copy of Marier's "Missa Emmanuel". I responded saying I have no way of emailing it to you, but could send you a copy via USPS if you sent me your mailing address. But I never heard from you. Are you still interested in a copy? If so, send me your mailing address and I'll get a copy out to you.

    Unda Maris
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,792
    The official website doesn't seem to have been edited in more than a year, since the link was first posted: "Full site launching soon" and BrophyBoy's
    b16institute Facebook link has no recent posts either.

    There has been local emailing about Candlemas on Feb. 1; let me see if I can find anything official…here we go: Youtube announcement.