Dilexisti iustitiam in the Graduale Novum?
  • Hey, there:

    I have to use the Graduale Novum on line, as I have a bunch of other music expenses and can't spring for a printed edition. I can't find the Introit Dilexisti Iustitiam. If anyone has a desk copy, would you mind locating it and telling me where it is. Perhaps my German is not good enough, as in the Triplex it is just under "Commune virginum," and I don't see a slot for that at grego-und-taube.de

    I suppose it may not be in the online Materialien.


  • Nevermind. Just learned that "Baptism" is "Taufe" in German, and that's where it was. I also learned this morning that the Ambrosian setting is completely different, thanks to the wonderful demo videos by Giovanni Vianini, my favorite chant DIYer.