St Thomas Becket - 1st class in England and Wales
  • The feast of St Thomas of Canterbury, Bishop and Martyr, is 1st class in the dioceses of England and Wales.
    Tomorrow it takes precedence over the Sunday in the Octave of the Nativity.
  • JulieCollJulieColl
    Posts: 2,465
    Jacques, thanks for the reminder about St. Thomas' feast day tomorrow. I've been trying to find my copy of Murder in the Cathedral and re-read it but it's nowhere to be found.

    Did find this passage online where St. Thomas commands his cowering priests to let the Four Knights into the Cathedral:

    I give my life
    To the Law of God above the Law of Man
    Unbar the door! unbar the door!
    We are not to triumph by fighting, by stratagem, or by resistance,
    Not to fight with beasts as men
    We have fought the beast
    And have conquered.
    We have only to conquer
    Now, by suffering.
    This is the easier victory.
    Now is the triumph of the Cross, now
    Open the door!
    I command it
    Thanked by 1Jacques Perrière
  • Oh Julie, that excerpt is so stirring, and a good tonic for the nerves of this mother's heart when observing the culture wars in the US and clamp down on Christians in various parts of the world.

    "We have only now to conquer by suffering." St. Thomas Becket, pray for God to strengthen us!!
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,814
    We will sing this,
