Cathedral Director of Music & Liturgy/Diocesan Associate Director for Music
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,701
    Cathedral Director of Music & Liturgy/Diocesan Associate Director for Music
    Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception/Diocese of Springfield in Illinois
    524 E. Lawrence Ave. Springfield, IL 62703
    Phone: (217) 522-3342
    Posted to NPM on Dec. 20th

    Diocese of Springfield in Illinois and Cathedral Parish seek Director of Music & Liturgy. Candidate must be proficient in organ, piano, voice, conducting. Candidate must have thorough knowledge of Roman Catholic Liturgy and be professional. Responsibilities include providing music for weekend, school, funeral, and wedding masses, Christmas and Holy Week liturgies, Confirmation, First Communion, Holy Days, and Episcopal liturgies, and collaborating on diocesan enrichment events. Candidate would also be responsible for adult and children’s choirs and cantors. Prior experience in similar role preferred but not required. Salary/benefits commensurate with experience. Email résumé/cover letter. Call Fr. John Nolan for further inquiry.
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