The Third Vatican Council
  • marajoymarajoy
    Posts: 781
    In case anyone misses the obvious-
    Thanked by 1bkenney27
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,971
    I have heard the argument that there were two Vatican councils. One the council of John XXIII and the other the council of Paul VI. The person who told me that believed the councils should have been designated as Vatican II and Vatican III.
  • Ha! I actually did miss it. Someone posted it on Facebook as if it were real, so I did very little poking around other than this article.

    Thank you, marajoy, for pointing out my foolishness for everyone to see! :P. I actually had a good laugh.
  • It's only obviously foolish to trad Catholics. It's not nearly over-the-top enough from the world's perspective to be effective satire.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,783
    The Third Vatican Council occurred in the Year 2000 when a false third secret of Fatima was put forth as the real one.
  • The problem here is that too many people will take this as truth and that's scary.
    Thanked by 2marajoy CHGiffen
  • The bigger problem is that part of the "joke" includes Pope Francis railing against racism and implying that, of course, this is against an orthodox agenda.

    Many of the things in that satirical article would NOT be troubling at all, and in fact should be wholeheartedly embraced by orthodox Catholics.
    Thanked by 2Kathy CHGiffen
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,971
    As for the "false" third secret, did anyone else read about the Vatican Gendarmerie recently telling Fr. N. Groaner to not go near the pope? ROFL.

    Now if those Vatican thugs had not twisted Sister Lucy's arms until she relented and confirmed the released secret as valid...
  • francis
    Posts: 10,783
    Even Good ole Mother Angelica knows! Here is her quote from the broadcast of May 16, 2001:

    "As for the Secret, well I happen to be one of those individuals who thinks we didn’t get the whole thing. I told ya! I mean, you have the right to your own opinion, don’t you, Father? There, you know, that’s my opinion. Because I think it’s scary. And I don’t think the Holy See is going to say something that does not happen, that might happen. And then what does it do if it doesn’t happen? I mean the Holy See cannot afford to make prophecies, because. I know, —I don’t know—my funeral . . . It’s not me, so don’t look at me . . . Something’s gonna happen soon. It could be twenty years before it happens. So to God “soon” could be a thousand years. We don’t know that."
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,971
    I think the whole obsession with apparitions is a bit nutty. God has already revealed everything we need to know.

    I have a dear friend - devout lady - who will immediately jump in the car and drive cross country if she hears Jesus appeared on a cereal box. Seems like a real waste of time.

    If you want to look at Fatima - not essential to anyone's faith and not required to be believed - there was a date mentioned for release of the secret, 1960. Right about the time of Vatican II. Some have argued that it might have related to the Council and its aftermath. But isn't the whole idea of Mary appearing and saying, "I have a secret you desperately need to know, but I am not going to tell you," a bit wacky? Somehow, I don't think she works that way.

    Now about Fr. Gruner, aka Groaner, I have listened to him whine about that secret for at least 25 years. No matter which pope does what consecration, there is always something wrong with it, according to him. Did Our Lady tell Fr. Gruner to consecrate anything? Did she specify his approval was needed for it to be valid? I don't think so. Fr. Groaner is a bit off-the-beam and not above keeping the hysteria going among conspiracy theorists to raise funds for his Fatima empire. If you believe him, I hope you have supplies laid up in the bunker for the inevitable collapse of civilization and the three days darkness.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,783

    If you want the truth about Fatima, pm me and I will give it all to you. I have studied and promoted countless devotions to OLOF for nearly 25 years, including an apostolate promoting the rosary. There are many facts and historical accounts of which many are not aware.

    As for Mary saying she had a secret that she was not going to tell us, she asked that it be revealed no later than 1960. It was the Vatican who kept it secret, most likely because of its content.

    In fact, Ratzinger (in his famous interview of 1984) admitted that Fatima and Akita were very similar. Read Akita, and then you will know some more of Fatima.

    “the things contained in this ‘Third Secret’ correspond to what has been announced in Scripture, and has been said again and again in many other Marian apparitions ...” Cardinal Ratzinger
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,971
    I have read about Akita and Fatima. Separating truth from hysteria is always difficult, although I don't buy any of the supposed apparitions going on in the former Yugoslavia.

    A certain amount of Fatima is verifiable, although no one is required to believe any of it. The events related to World War I and II are verifiable. St. John of Kronstadt had some apocalyptic visions in 1901relating to Russia. I can't paste them here because they are too long, I suspect for this forum. If you haven't read them, I will e-mail them if you provide an e-mail address. They were an interesting precursor to Fatima, although in the eastern church.

    Three days darkness: I and all my musician friends will be sitting in the dark. We don't know a single virgin who can light the candles. LOL.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,971
    Never mind on the e-mail. I looked you up on the forum and sent a copy of the St. John of K. prophecy to you.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,206
    I can clue you in on the Three Days of Darkness; according to my best indications, they will be on March 14-16.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,971
    Hah! ROFL