Music for St. Domenic Savio propers?
  • I need some help/direction from the experts on the board. Does anyone have access to a 1962 Graduale Romanum?

    I am looking for the music the feast of S. Domenico Savio (May 6th). Given the timing of his canonization, his Mass was only inserted into the 1962 books and are not in the 1961 books. I do have a 1962 Missale Romanum, so I know the text of his Propers, but I do not know the music of his Propers for a High Mass.

    If someone has access to a 1962 Graduale (if one was ever even published) I would appreciate it. Or, if there a different path to go down, I welcome the suggestions. I have even gone to the Salesians' site, but they have only the N.O. Mass (and still with no music)

    Thanks in advance
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    Can you give us the incipits of the texts from the missal that you have? That would be helpful.
  • The texts from the 1962 Missale Romanum are not found in the Graduale:

    IN Hi sequuntur Agnum (Apoc. 14, 4-5)
    AL Desiderium cordis eum (Ps. 20, 3)
    GR Senibus intellegentior (Ps. 118, 100-101)
    TR Quomodo puram (Ps. 118, 9-11)
    OF Exsultate Domino (Ps. 99, 1-2)
    CO Ecce odor fillii mei (Gen. 27, 27)

    There never was a 1962 Graduale Romanum published. I think you could use one of the two masses from the Commune Confessoris non Pontificis.
  • Thank you so much smvanroode... I was afraid that might be the case. I appreciate the information.
  • I don't think St. Dominic was included in the universal calendar in 1962 (in the 1965 Missale Romanum his Mass is found in the section for various places). The proper chants for his Feast day are likely to be found in Salesian books somewhere - if they exist. There's no guarantee that a 1962 or later edition of the Graduale Romanum would have included them.

    Note that if you sing the chants from the Common of Confessors, the Mass said by the celebrant should be the same. As an alternative, you could chant the propers from St. Dominic's missa propria to psalm tones. This is likely what we would do in this situation.
  • Thank you Arthur, if I could not find the actual Gregorian chant propers, using psalm tomes was going to be my alternative. If only I could find Salesians still with a love of the Extraordinary form. God bless..