• ...... then shall the thuriblers go and stand before before the Altar,
    swinging their thuribles in full circles as this Hymn is sung -

    (Chant: E.G. Monk, in B-flat)
    WE PRAISE THEE O God; we acknowledge thee to | be ' the | Lord,
    *all the earth doth worship thee, the Father | ev-' er | last-|ing.
    To thee all Angels cry aloud; the Heaven and all the | Powers ' there |in;
    *to thee Cherubim and Seraphim con-| tin-' ual-|ly ' do | cry,
    (Bow) Holy, Holy, Holy, (rise) Lord God of | Sa-' ba-|oth;
    *Heaven and earth are full of the Majesty | of ' thy | glo-| ry.
    The glorious company of the Apostles | praise | thee.
    *the goodly fellowship of the | Pro-' phets | praise | thee.
    The noble army of martyrs | praise | thee.
    *the holy Church throughout all the world | doth ' ac-|know-' ledge | thee,
    The Father of an infinite Majesty; thine adorable, true, and | on-' ly | Son;
    *also the Holy | Ghost ' the | Com-' for-|ter.

    (Chant: W. Croft, in g-minor)
    THOU ART the King of | Glory ' O | Christ:
    *thou art the everlasting | Son of ' the | Fa-|ther.
    When thou tookest upon thee to de-| li-' ver | man,
    *thou didst humble thyself to be | born of ' a | Vir-| gin.
    When thou hadst overcome the | sharpness ' of | death,
    *thou didst open the Kingdom of Heaven to | all ' be-|liev-|ers.
    Thou sittest at the right | hand ' of | God,
    *in the glory | of ' the | Fa-|ther.
    We believe that thou shalt come to | be ' our | Judge:
    *(Genuflect) We therefore pray thee help thy servants
    whom thou hast redeemed | with ' thy | pre-' cious | blood. (Rise)
    Make them to be numbered | with ' thy | saints,
    *in glory | ev-' er- |last-|ing.

    (Chant: E.G. Monk, in B-flat)
    O LORD save thy people and bless thine | he-'ri-|tage.
    *Govern them and lift them | up ' for-|ev-|er.
    Day by day we | magni-' fy | thee;
    *and we worship thy Name ever | world ' with-| out | end.
    Vouschsafe O LOrd to keep us this day with-| out | sin.
    *O Lord have mercy ypon us, have | mercy ' up-| on | us.
    O Lord let thy mercy be upon us, as our | trust is ' in | thee.
    *O Lord in thee have I trusted; let me never | be ' con-|found-| ed.

    (The Hymn concluded and the thuriblers going to their places, the Officiant and the People continue:
    V. Blessed art thou, O Lord God of our Fa-|thers.
    R. And to be praised and glorified for ev-| er.

    V. Let us bless the Father, and the Son, with the Holy | Ghost.
    R. Let us praise and exalt him above all for ev-| er.

    V. Blessed art thou in the firmament of heav-| en.
    R. And to be praised and glorified, and exalted above all for ev-| er.

    V. Praise the Lord, O my | soul.
    R. And forget not his be-| nefits.

    V. O Lord, hear our | prayer.
    R. And let our cry come unto | thee.

    V. The Lord be with | you.
    R. And with thy spi-| rit.

    Let us pray: O GOD, whose mercies are without number, and the treasure of whose goodness is infinite: we render thanks unto thy most gracious majesty for the gifts which thou hast bestowed upon us (and especially for...); evermore beseeching thy mercy that, as thou dost grant the prayers of them that call upon thee, so thou wouldst not forsake them, but rather dispose their way towards the attainment of thy heavenly reward. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God world without end. R. Amen.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,161
    Some Te Deums à propos of the last day of the Church year are posted on my blog.
  • Chonak -
    I like the offerings on your blog.
    My reason, though, for offering Te Deum was not a propos the last day of the Church Year ---
    It was in thanksgiving for the New Translation
    I will listen to yours in the same spirit.
  • Today was the promised one for which many of us have waited.
    We sang a solemn Te Deum after mass today in thanksgiving for the Anglican ordianariate in the US, which is now official.

    It is The Ordinariate of the Chair of St Peter. It is a personal ordinariate whose boundaries are those of the US.
    The mitred ordinary is the Rev Jeffrey Steenson, a former Epsicopal bishop who was made a Catholic priest about three years ago. And, Our Lady of Walsingham, in Houston, has been named 'Principal Church', which means that we are the cathedral church.

    All are invited to sing a Te Deum with us - see above.

    There are currently about 100 Episcopal priests who wish to become a part of the ordinariate; plus several thousand people and some entire parishes.
  • Jackson, as a former Anglican I wept with joy when I read the declaration of the erection of the Ordinariate and every one of these details--behold, how gracious the Lord is! God bless our Holy Father, Benedict XVI. (And echoing Fr. Z: Benedict XVI is the Pope of Christian Unity.) And I pray daily that more and more Anglicans will come home.
  • PC - Many thanks. I still can hardly believe that it's true. This is a tearfully joyous day, indeed. We have much, so very much for which to be thankful. Yes, Holy Father Benedict may be the Pope of Christain Unity; still, this is the final fruit of Holy Father John Paul II's 'pastoral provision' of 1982. It is a dream come true.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,161
    I'm looking forward to visiting the local Anglican Use community for their Mass on Epiphany.
  • Chonak -
    Which one is your local one?
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,161
    St Athanasius in Boston.