Charlotte Diocesan website emphasizes Gregorian Chant
  • I was knocking around diocesan websites to see what they say about the new Missal, on the Liturgy and Worship Office page for Charlotte, the first item is "Pope Upholds Primacy of Gregorian Chant" and some other Latin-oriented notices. Does this represent an episcopal desire to promote Chant?
  • mhjell
    Posts: 32
    See this. I'd say, yes.
  • Then my formerly Baptist self wants to shout, "Hallelujah." And ScottTurkington is at Charleston--my heavens, the Carolinas look better all the time.
  • tdunbar
    Posts: 120
    The Charlotte diocese website's Liturgy and Worship Office page:
  • Taht's the page that made me ask the question. There are webpages and there are webpages. Links to whatever interested the webmaster, an episcopal preference with no heft, or an actual part of a Bishop's mission. In this case, it appears to be the last, and that is cause for rejoicing. My reports from the Raleigh diocese indicate that there has not even been teaching on the texts, let alone the music.
  • @amindthatsuits--there have been a few parish workshops teaching the ICEL chants and the Mass of St. Frances Cabrini (which will be used at all diocesan Masses starting Advent I) and more are planned. Our diocesan Office of Divine Worship is a one-man operation!