Gregorian Chant Posters (The Paper Kind, Not the Kind that Contribute to this Forum)
  • StimsonInRehabStimsonInRehab
    Posts: 1,926
    I had the fortunate opportunity to sing with Ryan Murphy's TLM choir in O'Fallon after the Colloquium this past week (which everyone should if they get the chance, he's doing an excellent job) but something caught my eye in his choir space. He had a poster which was a sort of "Rosetta Stone" of Gregorian chant, listing the name, Gregorian notation, and modern notation of all the major neums side by side. Below, it listed the eight tones with their ranges, and tonic and resolutions (sp?) listed for each. I asked him where he got it; he said it was a gift.

    Please tell me there's a place where I can find a poster just like this for my choir room.
  • JesJes
    Posts: 576
    I'll make you one! I do a bit of calligraphy!
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,195
    Gregorio is handy for producing the neum images. If you read the PDF output into an image editor at very high resolution (e.g., 3000 dpi), the resulting images are large and precise.
    Thanked by 1Adam Wood
  • JesJes
    Posts: 576
    Or you can just get a special handwritten individual one nobody else has from a quirky Australian chick... Hehe. But yeah use the gregorio in the meantime this is going to take me some time.
  • CCoozeCCooze
    Posts: 1,259
    Did you take pictures?
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,698
    Couldn't you have just forced Murphy to scan it and email it to you?
    Thanked by 1francis
  • Jes did send me pictures - do I have the artist's permission to show the early drafts?
    Thanked by 1Jes
  • Couldn't you have just forced Murphy to scan it and email it to you?

    I guess I'm just too much of a Luddite to have thought of that. But now I've had the Right Galah's offer, and it's a hard one to pass up.
    Besides, Murphy isn't the 'forcing' type. He's more the 'gently coaxing' type. :)
    Thanked by 1Jes
  • CCoozeCCooze
    Posts: 1,259
    I meant pictures of the original.
    I wouldn't mind seeing what she made for you, though.
    Thanked by 2canadash CHGiffen
  • JesJes
    Posts: 576
    Actually have a question...
    Are you wanting like a "table of neumes" which also has modern notation
    and the seven tones as per your description
    just the neumes with their names in pretty calligraphy?
    Also I accidentally did the G in a German style with the rest in English so pedantic calligraphers get off my back please!

    my VERY ROUGH draft is provided of the second variety.
    I call this "GREGORIAN SLANT" cos I was just practicing getting my hands steady.

    720 x 960 - 79K
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen CCooze
  • JesJes
    Posts: 576
    And actually wouldn't mind a pic of Ryan Murphy's one so I can sorta peak at what you're looking for...
  • I'll have to take a photo of it and post it here. I found it somewhere when I arrived at St. Barnabas.
    Thanked by 2Jes StimsonInRehab
  • JesJes
    Posts: 576
    Okay so far I've been pretty much doing the chant names that you can find in the graduale romanum and I got quite far doing my good copy, I got up to clivis strophica vel cum orisco and of course next up I spell the word Torculus as Torcus.
    Now I know what being an angry monk must feel like... :P
  • Here's the poster:
    1632 x 1224 - 566K
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,195

    Here's a quick roster of the neumes, for 11 x 17 paper:
  • CCoozeCCooze
    Posts: 1,259
    You should add a quilisma that precedes a leap. =)
  • The section at the bottom of Ryan's poster, about the modes, was what intrigued me the most. Could you fit in something like that, too, Jes?
    Thanked by 1Jes
  • donr
    Posts: 971
    I noticed that Ryan's poster has a fold in it. I also noticed it was published by GINN AND COMPANY. Could this have been included in "We Sing and Chant" from the same publisher?
  • I've been looking for some good chant posters for my choir room as well, but haven't come across anything worth buying. If anyone has any recommendations, I'd love to hear them. In particular, I'd like to find a poster print of illuminated chant manuscripts (I can't afford the real ones). Informational posters like the one discussed here would also be good. Maybe even a Guido's hand or image of St. Gregory with the dove...just to keep the legend going! :) I actually have a long blank wall that I could fill with posters or artwork. I know there are some nice framed things available. but something more budget friendly would be good.
    Thanked by 1Jes
  • canadashcanadash
    Posts: 1,501
    my choir room

    Do you work in heaven?
    Thanked by 1Casavant Organist
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,760
    This, can't seem to upload see second poster on this blog post.

    Can be found here with other posters,
    Thanked by 1Earl_Grey
  • JesJes
    Posts: 576
    Oh my gosh that is way less neumes than I've been trying to fit onto the posters!
    That's easy. Can do!

    I look forward to getting this done soon.

    Thanked by 1StimsonInRehab
  • Do you work in heaven?

    Not quite, but close (kind of like purgatory) :)

    Thanked by 1canadash
  • JesJes
    Posts: 576
    Hey Tim,

    Struth, my version of soon is a little bit longer than it used to be!
    Just finished masters. I haven't forgotten you.
    Will send an image in a fortnight or so.

  • Just finished masters.

    Thanked by 1Jes
  • JesJes
    Posts: 576
    Thanks Andrew, I can't find the thanks button so thanks.
  • bhcordovabhcordova
    Posts: 1,160
    Congratulations, Jes.
    Thanked by 1Jes
  • JesJes
    Posts: 576
    Hey guys,

    Stimson, you are not forgotten I am working on it.
    Was sick of making it slanty and been trying to make it perfect.

    The title looks like this! I'm very excited!
    3264 x 2448 - 2M
  • Eeee! I want one.
    Thanked by 1Jes
  • bhcordovabhcordova
    Posts: 1,160
    Me too!
  • canadashcanadash
    Posts: 1,501
  • Stimson Seal of Approval. Exquisite!
    Thanked by 1Jes
  • Claire H
    Posts: 369
    I can't see any attachment...does anyone else have this issue? :-(
  • Lovely!