Right! After fighting with the uploader and dropbox half the day - Here are the pdf's straight from dropbox:
Kyrie (Crotchet = 92-96): Gloria (Minim=104-108): https://www.dropbox.com/s/izhndu1v8prlf43/Gloria%20part%20I.pdf https://www.dropbox.com/s/izhndu1v8prlf43/Gloria%20part%20I.pdf Sanctus (Minim =92):https://www.dropbox.com/s/542my4ad4jkg15m/Sanctus.pdf Agnus Dei (Crotchet = 80-84): https://www.dropbox.com/s/g0bpg34106uew9q/Agnus%20Dei.pdf
Some Background:
Philip Vietri is a South African composer and priest at St Bernadette's Parish Port Elizabeth. Also an Oratorian of St Philip Neri, he composes liturgical music for special occasions. All his work is marked with noble simplicity. His melodies and harmonic language is pleasing and easy to listen to with an added something. Accessible to ANY Parish and organist.
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