Year C 1st Sun. of Advent Entrance Antiphon 25 & Responsorial psalm 25
  • This year the words of the Entrance Antiphon and the Resp. psalm are almost identical ...Psalm 25.
    I have permission to sing the Entrance Antiphon during mass at the time of the Advent Candle lighting.
    Since it's the first time our schola is singing the Entrance Antiphon, I hesitate to use it for fear of the responsorial sounding like a repetition. I suppose we could do a choral version of the Entrance or responsorial, or use the responsorial psalm from Year A or B. Any suggestions? Maybe it will seem different to the congregation because these two Illuminare chants are quite different from each other.
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,191
    Do both. Often the propers repeat the same text in two chants at one Mass. That is a good thing.
  • Oh, I didn't know the proper texts often repeat. Ok. Thanks!
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,191
    Yes. Ps. 129 (130) is used twice in the Last Sunday After Pentecost (tomorrow, or for those who use the OF, it was last week because of Christ the King).

    As you note the chants sound different. The text and music at different points interact differently, which fosters true participation in ways appropriate to the moment of the liturgy. The congregation, especially with catechesis, will pick up on this.
  • Take a look at Lent I, where if memory serves me correctly at zero-dark-thirty all the propers come from Psalm 91 for a classic example of this.