\version "2.10.10" \include "english.ly" \header { title = "Conductus I" } global = { \key f \major \time 3/8 \tempo 4=90 \override Score.MetronomeMark #'padding = #2.5 } sopNotes = { \global \clef treble \relative c'' { \partial 8*1 g8 d'4 d8 c8\melisma bf\melismaEnd c d4. r8 r d d4 bf8 bf4 c8 a4. r8 r g d'4 d8 bf4 c8 c4. r8 r a a4 bf8 c4\melisma bf8\melismaEnd bf4\melisma a8\melismaEnd g4. \bar "|." } } sopText = \lyricmode { Gau -- dens in Do __ mi -- no in hoc sol -- lemp -- ni -- o: lae -- te -- tur om __ ni -- um tur -- ba__ fi -- de -- li -- um.__ } altNotes = { \global \relative c'' { \partial 8*1 g8 bf4 bf8 a8\melisma g\melismaEnd a g4. r8 r g bf4 a8 g4 a8 f4. r8 r g bf4 bf8 g4 a8 f4. r8 r d f4 g8 a4\melisma g8\melismaEnd g4\melisma f8\melismaEnd g4. \bar "|." } } altText = \lyricmode { Gau -- dens in Do __ mi -- no in hoc sol -- lemp -- ni -- o: lae -- te -- tur om __ ni -- um tur -- ba__ fi -- de __ li __ um.__ } % % tenNotes = { \global \relative c' { % } } % % tenText = \lyricmode { } % % basNotes = { \global \relative c { % } } % % basText = \lyricmode { } % \score { \new ChoirStaff << \new Staff { \set Staff.instrument = "S" \new Voice = sopVoice \clef treble \sopNotes } \new Lyrics \lyricsto sopVoice \sopText \new Staff { \set Staff.instrument = "А" \new Voice = altVoice \clef treble \altNotes } \new Lyrics \lyricsto altVoice \altText % \new Staff { \set Staff.instrument = "Т" \new Voice = tenVoice \clef "G_8" \tenNotes } % \new Lyrics \lyricsto tenVoice \tenText % \new Staff { \set Staff.instrument = "B" \new Voice = basVoice \clef bass \basNotes } % \new Lyrics \lyricsto basVoice \basText % \new PianoStaff << % \new Staff << % \set Staff.printPartCombineTexts = ##f % \partcombine << \global \sopNotes >> << \global \altNotes >> % >> % \new Staff << % \clef bass % \set Staff.printPartCombineTexts = ##f % \partcombine << \global \tenNotes >> << \global \basNotes >> % >> % >> >> \layout { } \midi { } } \markup { \column { \line{ Verse 2. } \line{ Hymnis et organis } \line{ ad laudem presulis } \line{ cuius miracula } \line{ canit ecclesia. } } } \markup { \column { \line{ Verse 3. } \line{ Qui ab infantia } \line{ divina gratia } \line{ servivit Domino } \line{ devoto animo. } } } \markup { \column { \line{ Verse 4. } \line{ Et tu progredere } \line{ O lector incipe } \line{ in primo carmine } \line{ dic iube Domine! } } } \markup{ \wordwrap-string #" Praise the Lord on this holy day let the throng of all the faithful rejoice. With hymns and organs in praise of the bishop whose miracles the Church sings. Who from his infancy by divine Grace served the Lord with devoted heart. And thus, O reader, step forward and begin and with your first notes say 'Jubilate in the Lord'!" }