Communio: Dominus regit me, soloist accompanied by...viola?
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,466
    I hope he was in a loft. When I listen, it seems awesome. When I watch the video, it seems like a weird parlor trick.
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,177
    From the candles behind him, I don't think he was in the loft. It would have been better to have been performed from the loft. Nevertheless, there is a certain kind of "loftiness" to the sound, and it was interesting that it was performed with one and the same person both as vocal and viola soloist.
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,698
    Obviously a very talented individual. I'm not sure I'd want a steady diet of this, but it is very intriguing.