Confusion About Inculturation by Dr. K
  • francis
    Posts: 10,760

    ...and yet another excellent piece to help unravel the confusion on sacred music
    Thanked by 1StimsonInRehab
  • ...a kind of whoring after ephemeral relevance, a prostitution to the present age and its malevolent prince.

    Sounds like a battle cry for reviving the Old Roman chant and purifying the true liturgy of those Frankish accretions.
  • dad29
    Posts: 2,228
    From the essay:

    In reality, the culture to which the Catholic faith comes is in need of conversion and elevation, so whatever elements are taken from it, once duly purged of sin and error, stand as material to the “form” imparted by the life-giving Catholic faith. It is the Church that is the agent, form, and goal in any true inculturation, while the culture is the matter that receives the form from the agent for the sake of salvation in Christ.

    A mentor, knowledgeable in music and theology, said that the Church "baptized" certain pagan cultural items.

    That term, "baptism", corresponds precisely to Prof. K's explication above.