Coordinator of Music position & also Liturgical Administrative Assistant position - Arizona
  • Coordinator of Music
    St. Timothy Catholic Church
    170 W. Guadalupe Road, Mesa, AZ 85202
    Phone: (480) 775-5272

    Immediate opening for full-time (40hr/week) Coordinator of Music to work in Liturgy Department supporting the New Evangelization through service to the parish. Responsibilities will include providing music for weekend, Holy Day/special liturgies and/or events, and additional duties outlined in job description. Requirements include: some college education in music, liturgy or related fields, as well as experience with notation software and ability to edit/arrange music (Sibelius). Must be Catholic in good standing and have strong knowledge of Catholic Church teachings, liturgy and music ministry. Job description/application on website. Apply by email to Jake Ineck, Director of Music.

    Website also has search for Liturgical Administrative Assistant position listed.
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