Quick reference cards
  • Has anybody put together a small 'quick reference card' for the use of the congregation at Extraordinary Form Masses? It would be helpful to have a card which told the congregation when to stand, sit, kneel, genuflect and sing, and before re-inventing the wheel, I thought it would be a good idea to ask whether any members of this forum had already put something together.
  • veromaryveromary
    Posts: 160
    This is a good idea - theoretically it should be in a missal of some sort so people can follow all the prayers too, but sometimes that can be too much to expect.

    If you've seen the "Plan of the Mass" in the old St Joseph Missals - a sort of graphical representation of the parts of the Mass - maybe that could be a start. It'd be interesting to see all the moves at one glance. I wonder how complicated it really is.
  • Not quite a "quick reference CARD", but at my college chapel we have produced our own little Latin Mass Missals. We print out a small leaflet which has the texts of the propers and readings for each mass.