Divine Praises
  • Sunday evening after the Colloquium had ended last June, we were in the Cathedral of the Madeleine after sightseeing in Salt Lake City. As we were about to leave, we heard Vespers beginning around that Tabernacle. We joined them and stayed for the end of their hour of Adoration. They sang the Divine Praises, and afterwards generously gave us a copy of the music. It was in modern notation and had no copyright indicated.

    A few months ago, I used Gregorio for the first time and made my first project the Divine Praises we sung in Salt Lake City. I introduced this music into my parish with much positive response.

    Please take a look at this music and let me know what you think of my interpretation of it. I'm new to square notes, but I think they are much more expressive than modern notation. As well, can anyone tell me where this music comes from and if there is any copyright? I'm assuming it's not something new.