• Is there any means of converting gabc code to abc code, so as to be able to provide 5 line notation copy for an accompanist to go with 4 line notation copy for singers? I speak from the unenviable position, I confess, of complete ignorance and I imagine it must be possible to do the job tediously by hand, note by note. I am wondering if there is any way of shortening the process, in part, if not in whole.
  • In principle it would be possible to write a little program to make the conversion. But I am sure that by far the majority of Gregorian chant pieces have been notated in modern notation. Which pieces are we talking about?
  • Thank you for your speedy reply. I am new to all this, although I am 67. When I was received into The Church in 1975, all the use of Gregorian Chant in England had just about disappeared. I haven´t searched the internet rigorously yet but even on a quick search, I can see that, as you say, there are a lot of modern notation settings already. I wasn´t thinking of any particular pieces but our new curate at St Charles Borromeo, Hull, England, is very keen on chant. I am looking to start something off regarding the Liturgy of the Hours and I want to get to grips with psalm tones and antiphons accompanying psalms. Software output for an organist would be very handy and midi output for me and others to have something to practice with at home, as well. Regards and thanks for your help.