Origin of _this_ text
  • In the modern Lectionary, in English, for the 31st Sunday of the year, the proper psalm is Ps 131:1-3, and the response I find is "In you, Lord, I have found my peace". This lectionary I have here (Canada, 2009) gives "(R, see 2)" meaning Ps 131:2, as the origin of the text -- which seems a little far-fetched to me : vere pacatam et quietam feci animam meam.

    What is in the Latin lectionary (which I do not have) at this point?

    Does anyone know the origin of this text in English or in Latin?
  • RobertRobert
    Posts: 343
    The Latin is "Custodi animam meam in pace apud te, Domine"; for the source, my book says "cf. Ps. 130" (if it were a direct quotation, it would say simply "Ps. 130")
  • Hmm. "Custodi animam meam" is familiar enough, and "apud te" recalls the de profundis and so the requiem. But the text as given I can't recall and google can't find either.

    There are other places in the Lectionary where the reference (e.g. "cf. Ps. 130") is plain wrong, so I wondered if this was such a place. Looks like they pulled this one out of a hat, though.