Mount St. Mary's, MD
  • Mount St. Mary's in MD is looking for a music director with thorough knowledge of the sacred music tradition. Contact information on the site.
  • They are not advertising for it....

    Faculty Positions

    Candidates for faculty positions at the Mount are strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves with the following information:

    * The Mount’s core curriculum and justification
    * The Mount’s Catholic identity

    Adjunct Faculty School of Business (Job Search Status: Currently Accepting Resumes)

    Asst/Assoc Professor-Business (Job Search Status: Currently Accepting Resumes)

    Director of Advanced Programs in Education (Job Search Status: Currently Accepting Resumes)

    Staff Positions

    There are no staff positions currently available.
  • Is this for the seminary or the college? Is Andy leaving?
  • Seminary
  • I called the Seminary today, and was told that the position has been filled. It doesn't seem as though they advertised widely, but perhaps I simply missed it. A shame; I would have loved to apply!
  • DougS
    Posts: 793
    It was advertised widely last academic year.
  • Mea culpa.
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