The Order of St. Luke

    Yes, it is Methodist. Catholic priests who treasure liturgy need something like it to set themselves apart...and make them easier for us to find.
  • No one for or against this?

    There need to be parishes that offer an OF liturgy as it could be rather than the way everybody is doing it in every diocese.

    Opening Breaking Bread to follow the Mass on page 16 instead of the Holy, Holy the people instead find:

    Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of Power, God of might.
    Heaven and earth are full of your glory, Hosanna in the highest, hosanna in the highest.
    Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest, hosanna in the highest.

    This has to stop. The Mass should come from the Roman Missal, not from publishers with composers for hire.

    They know it is wrong. That's why they don't change the Lord's Prayer. People would know.
  • I agree totally; this is why we refuse to use the Agnus Dei of the Mass of Creation. The text is incorrect. We must all be vigilant. Thanks
  • JamJam
    Posts: 636
    "Lord God of Sabaoth" is my favorite rendering of that into English. If we can have the Hebrew "Hosanna" in there, why not "Sabaoth" as well, eh?

    I think it's sad that some kind of society is needed... ah, they should have translated the Mass centuries ago, before copyright laws and "dynamic relevance" translation or whatever the heck that is.

    I love how we can't even take the thees and thous out of the Lord's Prayer (or hail Mary, for that matter) because people could tell, and probably wouldn't like it. I wouldn't like it. I tend to be ambivalent about the "high language" idea for all of the liturgy because really, we don't say thee and thou anymore, so it's not like calling God "you" is disrespectful or anything... but there's something so wonderful about it anyway.

    I would go for the Latin before the official Catholic English anyday!